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为了更好地客观了解和形象展现中国宗教状况,普度大学中国宗教与社会研究中心特别举办“透视中国宗教:宗教场所影像随笔”竞赛,参赛作品的形式是影像随笔(photo essay or visual essay),即配有短文的一组照片(包括短视频)。中心将聘请专家学者和专业摄影师参加评审。







下面链接是近期《时代周刊》影像随笔的范例,仅供参考http://time.com/tag/photo-essay/ 。关于影像随笔作品优劣的讨论,可以参阅Phil Bicker在《时代周刊》网站的“观看之道:当代影像随笔” http://time.com/3626915/ways-of-seeing-the-contemporary-photo-essay/.

参赛作品可以用Word或PDF文档提交,也可以采用其他格式,比如“叙事地图”(Esri Story Map https://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/)。在图文作品文档之外,照片和录影的高像素原件请用附件形式另行提交。


  • 每个参赛者最多可以提交两件参赛作品。
  • 每件作品必须包括5到15张照片(其中可以包括1至3个短视频,每个短视频不得超过30秒)。
  • 作品必须给出明确、具体的宗教场所的地点和正式名称等信息。
  • 照片必须是原图,未经修改(注:简单的优化,比如剪裁,调色和亮度对比,以及除尘是可允许的改动)。
  • 照片原件的像素不得低于1920,以JPEG格式提交。
  • 照片必须配长标题,但不得超过50字。
  • 照片和视频必须是参赛者自己的原创,或者以自己的原创为主,辅之以其他人的历史性图片。如果包含历史性图片,参赛者必须事先取得使用许可,或者确保知识产权属于公共领域。
  • 短文篇幅必须在800到1200字范围之内。




参赛作品的投稿截止日期是2019年4月30日 美国东部时间23:59。获奖名单将于2019年5月31日公布。作品提交请按此链接影像随笔竞赛报名,咨询请电邮  crcs@purdue.edu


Seeing Religion in China: Visual Essays of Religious Sites

In order to better understand and demonstrate religion in China, the Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University invites submissions of visual essays, including pictures/videos and text, for a contest entitled “Seeing Religion in China: Visual Essays of Religious Sites.” The Center will invite scholars and professional photographers to form a committee to judge the visual essays.


Grand Prize: $1000 (one award)

Second Prize: $500 (six awards)

Third Prize: $200 (30 awards)

Each submission must focus on ONE specific religious site in Mainland China. A religious site can be a temple, a church, a mosque, or other type of site for religious activities. Each visual essay should include 5 to 15 pictures (including short video clips) and 800-1,200 words (English or Chinese). In addition to being visually attractive, the photos and text of the essays should tell a story or provide information about the religious site being depicted. This may include background and historical information, analysis of worshippers who visit the site, depiction of rituals carried out at the site, visual or textual representation of how the site is managed (leadership, relationship with state, etc.), or other relevant information. Visual essays may depict change over time, by including older photos of the site, or pictures of older and newer buildings on the same site. The text for the essay should contextualize the photos/videos, focusing on the religious site and worshippers rather than the author’s experience.

Examples of recent photo essays from Time magazine can be found here: http://time.com/tag/photo-essay/. For a discussion of good photo essays, you are encouraged to read “Ways of Seeing: The Contemporary Photo Essay” by Phil Bicker at the Time magazine website: http://time.com/3626915/ways-of-seeing-the-contemporary-photo-essay/.

The visual essays may be presented in Word/PDF form, or may be submitted in another format, such as Esri Story Map. The photos/videos may be attached as higher resolution figures in addition to being found in the visual essays.



  • Each participant may submit up to two visual essays.
  • Each essay should include 5 to 15 photos. (If videos are included, no more than three video clips, each no longer than 30 seconds.)
  • Essays must include complete information on the (formal) name and address of the religious site.
  • Photographs and video clips must be original, without alteration (standard optimization, such as cropping, adjustment to color and contrast, or removal of dust is acceptable).
  • Photographs should be in high-resolution JPEG format (ideally no smaller than 1920 pixels).
  • Each photo must include a caption of no more than 50 words.
  • All photographs/videos should be from the author, or list the source if not from the author. If a historical photograph is included in the essay, you must have the copyright or permission to use the image or ensure it is in the public domain.
  • The text of the essay must be 800-1,200 words in length.

In submitting a visual essay to this contest, participants agree to abide by the above instructions and acknowledge that the Center on Religion and Chinese Society holds the right to use all or parts of the visual essays, including photographs, videos, and text, in exhibitions, publications, websites and other non-commercial purposes without paying additional remuneration. The author will, however, be credited when his or her work is used.


The contest is open to all, regardless of age, sex, nationality, or country of residence. The awardees will be responsible for any taxes associated with the awards.

The deadline for submitting visual essays is April 30, 2019. Winners will be announced by May 31, 2019. Submissions can be uploaded by clicking: Visual Essay Contest Submission. Inquiries should be sent to crcs@purdue.edu.



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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
