
Journal of Research for Christianity in China




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Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914) is published jointly by the Center of Chrisitanity and China in Los Angeles, USA and the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University, China. This journal was founded in 2013. Submissions or any comments should be sent to this email address: ChrisianStudies@163.com. More information, please visit this website: ChineseCS.cc.






顾问 Editorial Advisor:

李 灵(美国洛杉矶基督教与中国研究中心)
Daniel L. LI (Christianity and China Research Center, Los Angeles)

主编 Editor in Chief:

Qinghe XIAO (Peking Unviersity)

副主编 Associate Editor-in-Chief:

俞 强(上海大学)
Qiang YU (Shanghai University)
彭 睿(南昌大学)
Rui PENG (Nanchang University)
刘 平(复旦大学)
Ping LIU (Fudan University)

编辑委员会 Editors Committee:

Jianbin GUO (Southwest Minzu University)
Huaisi SONG (Hubei Minzu Universtiy)
Yilin XIE (Jinan University)
奚 望(北京大学)
Wang XI (Peking University)
聂 利(中南民族大学)
Li NIE (South-central Minzu University)
Nathanael WANG (Chung Yuan Christian University)
Vicky Lianghui SUN (University of Notre Dame)
贺 腾(复旦大学)
Teng HE (Fudan University)
Jacob Chengwei FENG(Fuller Theological Seminary)
Songzan XU (University of Cambridge)

助理编辑 Assistant Editor:

Ruiyou XU (Shanghai University)


Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914)
No. 22, June 2024







编者的话... 1

From the Editor. 1


稿... 7

Special Articles. 7


天主教传华日常经文的形成——以“圣号经”、“天主经”、“圣母经”为例(古伟瀛)... 8

The Shaping of the Daily Sutras of Chinese Catholic Church (Wei-ying KU). 30


一般论文... 31

Articles. 31


《希腊文亚当与夏娃生平》的思想世界及其社会处境(李丞欣)... 32

The Thought World and the Social Life Setting of Greek Life of Adam and Eve (Chenxin LI).  75


创造与救赎:诺斯替派与爱任纽对《创世记》2:7阐释的对比研究(徐俊)... 76

Creation and Redemption: A Comparative Study of Gnostic and Irenaes Interpretation of Genesis 2:7 (Jun XU). 98


《以西结书》枯骨谷异象的隐藏文本(卢家辉)... 99

“Hidden Transcript” of the Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel (Ka Fei LO). 123


The Subversion of שָׁלַח–Divorce in the Hebrew Bible (Menghun GOH). 124


生死与超越:“永生”的多维分析及其在约翰福音中的神学意涵(江耀国)... 152

Life, Death, and Beyond: Multidimensional Analysis of ζωὴ αἰώνιος and Its Theological Implications in the Fourth Gospel (Yao-kuo Eric CHIANG). 172


“道”入《圣经》(一):重探新教中文《圣经》“道”译Logos的历史起点(周歌珊)... 173

Taou, its paths into the Bible (I): Revisiting the Inception of the Taou-Logos Translation in Protestant Chinese Bible (Elsie Ge-shan ZHOU). 196


叙利亚教父塞鲁格的雅各人论探究(段文郡熠)............. 197

Study on the Anthropology of Syriac Church Father Mar Jacob of Sarug (Wenjunyi DUAN). 222


基督圣徒及其悖论性(唐洪林)... 223

Christian Saints and Their Paradoxical Nature (Paul Honglin TANG). 244


天道人生:论耶稣与孔子的人生观的相通性(汤士文)... 245

Heaven’s Way and Life: On the Commonalities between Jesus and Confucius's Outlook on Life (Shiwen TANG). 264


旅途中的教会:圣经、神学与历史透视(李雋)... 265

The Pilgrim Church: Biblical, Theological and Historical Perspectives (Chun LI). 276


议程设置视角下的十字军东征缘起:以教皇乌尔班二世的演说辞为中心(张诗尧)... 277

On the Origin of the Crusade Army from the Perspective of Agenda-setting Theory:A Case Study of UrbanⅡ’s Sermon (Shiyao ZHANG). 298


当代基督教合一运动“利马文件”初探(孟祥交)... 299

A Study of the Lima Document in the Christian Unity (Xiangjiao MENG). 318


对基督教周刊《天风》编辑人员的考证和考察(1945–1949)(李文力)... 319

An Investigation on the Editorial Staff of Christian Weekly Tien Feng (1945–1949) (Wenli LI). 340


教会医院与近代江西地方社会(丰慧萍)... 341

Nanchang General Hospital and Social Changes in Modern Jiangxi (1897–1937)  (Huiping FENG). 372


清末民初来川传教士著述中的成都城市形象(唐冬梅、刘虹余)... 373

Missionary Writings on City Image of Chengdu in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican Days (Dongmei TANG, Hongyu LIU). 386


书评... 387

Book Reviews. 387



论中国哲学精神以及中国哲学发展脉络:读冯友兰的《中国哲学简史》(张容德)... 392

开启哲学研究之门:读《西方哲学简史》(田野)... 404

中国哲学研究之导引——读冯友兰《中国哲学简史》(顾彦申)... 416


编辑部启事... 425

Announcements from the Editors. 425


《中国基督教研究》优秀论文奖... 426

《中国基督教研究》优秀博士生奖... 427

《中国基督教研究》稿约... 428

《中国基督教研究》注释体例... 429






From the Editor


Nathanael Xuesheng WANG (Chung Yuan Christian University)

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摘要:近代东西文化交流中,宗教是重要的部分,而宗教的交流又以经文的翻译为初期重要的工作。本文就天主教在明末传华时最早译成的三种信众日常使用的经文:“圣号经”、“天主经”及“圣母经”作为分析的对象,这些经文的翻译 有两个来源,一是由入华耶稣会士罗明坚以及后来的利玛窦等先后译出;罗明坚使用白话文,利氏使用文言文;另一是 由在菲律宾马尼拉的道明会西班牙传教士高母羡等人为当地华侨翻译而成的,高氏使用的语言是闽南方言。从这三种经文的译文分析中,可以见到东西宗教思想的差异、耶稣会及道明会传教策略的不同,地域的因素造成译文的特色以及这些经文最终的定型以及影响。



The Shaping of the Daily Sutras of Chinese Catholic Church

Taking the Sign of Cross, Pater Noster and Hail Mary as examples

Wei-ying KU  https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6188-4791

Department of History, Taiwan University

Abstract: Religion was an important part of Sino-Western cultural exchange in modern times. For the spread of Western Christianity, the translation of the sutras was very important during the early stage of cultural exchange. This article tries to analyze the three most important Catholic daily sutras which were translated by Western missionaries, namely The Sign of Cross, Pater Noster and Hail Mary. There were two channels through them the Catholic Daily Sutras were translated into Chinese. The first channel was through the early Jesuits in China, M. Ruggieri, and later Matteo Ricci. Ruggieri used vernacular Chinese, whereas Ricci tried Classical Chinese. The other was done by the Spanish Dominican Juan Cobo in Manila for the evangelization of the overseas Chinese. The language Cobo used was Minnan dialect. It is hoped that through the analysis of these translations, we can see the different missionary strategies of these two orders, the difference in translation influenced by regional culture, and the shaping and finalization of the Daily Sutras.

Keywords: The Jesuits, the Dominicans, the Sign of Cross, Pater Noster, Hail Mary, Minnan Dialect

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0001

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李丞欣  https://orcid.org/0009-0006-1487-7905





The Thought World and the Social Life Setting of Greek Life of Adam and Eve

Chengxin LI  https://orcid.org/0009-0006-1487-7905

Hunan University of Science and Technology

Abstract: The extra-canonical Greek Life of Adam and Eve (GLAE) was the popular narrative text spread among early Christians, and had significant influences to later Christian religious literature. This paper investigates the GLAE’s text and thought world in the theoretical perspectives of intertextuality and theory of social reality construction, and proposes that this narrative was creatively composed according to the framework of Genesis 2–3, reflecting the harsh life experience of poor farmers in late Roman society. The painful reality of material shortages, heavy burden of labor, anxiety about lowered social status and the oppression from the landlords were projected into the narrative of Adam and Eve’s earthly life and their relationship with God and Satan. The GLAE’s new ‘Paradise Lost’ narrative in fact provides a cosmic explanation of painful agricultural life of lower families in general, and constructs a specific ‘back to Paradise’ expectation by developing the themes of forgiveness of sins and God’s promise of eschatological resurrection. The primary social function of the narrative, therefore, was to consolidate the religious identity in difficult times by drawing a relatively optimistic vision of God’s just rule.

Keywords: Life of Adam and Eve, lower farmers, Paradise, social function, social life setting

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0002

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徐俊 https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6762-1530





Creation and Redemption: A Comparative Study of Gnostic and Irenaes Interpretation of Genesis 2:7

Jun XU  https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6762-1530

College of Foreign Languages, Henan Normal University

Abstract: Genesis 1–3 holds an important position in the interpretation of Christian theology. This research laid out the interpretations of Genesis 2:7 by Ophite and Valentinus, who are Gnostics, as well as by Irenaeus, an early Christian theologian, to explain the differences in their theological systems. The Gnostics believed that the Creator in Genesis 2:7 is not the Supreme god and that he is not omniscient and omnipotent; the human soul can be saved, but the body can never be. By contrast, Irenaeus held that the Creator in Genesis 2:7 is God and that He is omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent; He created humans in alignment with his own image while giving them free will. Christ then became the Incarnate in the flesh and recapitulated human nature to save mankind, allowing humans’ souls and bodies to be saved with the help of the Holy Spirit. In a way, not only were Irenaeus’ explanations of Genesis 2:7 aimed to refute the Gnostics’ view but they also served as building blocks for a unique theological system. His recapitulation mode affirmed the necessity of Jesus’ Incarnation, while also strengthening the tie between Old Testament and New Testament, making Genesis the evidence of Jesus’ redemption.

Keywords Genesis 2:7, Gnosticism, Irenaeus, Recapitulation, Theological interpretations

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0003

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卢家辉 https://orcid.org/0009-0003-5277-346X


摘要:本文试运用斯科特(James C. Scott)的“隐藏文本理论”,探究《以西结书》枯骨谷异象可能存在的“隐藏文本”。《以西结书》作者似刻意运用含糊多义的用词,颠覆古近东文化中受咒不能逆转的观念,更颠覆性地运用巴比伦帝国神话典故去批判其帝国意识形态。因此,枯骨谷异象除了为被掳子民提供盼望和新想象,更可能是个抵抗巴比伦帝国意识形态、否定其维稳帝国神学的“隐藏文本”。本文的发现让我们看见斯特林(Casey A. Strine)运用“隐藏文本理论”解读《以西结书》的合法性。而有关《马所拉文本》的חַיִל和《七十士译本》的συναγωγή哪个更接近原稿(Vorlage)的讨论中,“隐藏文本理论”似更能提供合理的解说。



“Hidden Transcript” of the Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel

Ka Fai LO  https://orcid.org/0009-0003-5277-346X

China Graduate School of Theology

Abstract: This article attempts to appropriate James C. Scott’s “hidden transcript theory” to explore the possible “hidden transcript” of the vision of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekiel. The author of Ezekiel seems to deliberately made use of ambiguous vocabularies, subverted the concept of irreversible curses in the ancient Near Eastern culture and the myth of the Babylonian Empire so as to criticize its imperial ideology. Therefore, the vision of the Valley of Dry Bones not only provides hope and new imagination for the people in exile, but also a “hidden transcript” that resists the ideology of the Babylonian Empire and denies its imperial theology of status quo. The discovery of this article allows us to see the legitimacy of Casey A. Strine’s appropriation of the “hidden transcript theory” to read Ezekiel. In the discussion about whether חַיִל in the Masoretic Text or συναγωγή in the Septuagint is closer to the original manuscript (Vorlage), the “hidden transcript theory” seems to be able to provide a more reasonable explanation.

Keywords: Ezekiel 37:1–10, hidden transcript, vision of the Valley of Dry Bones, חַיִל, συναγωγή, Casey A. Strine

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0004

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The Subversion of שָׁלַח–Divorce in the Hebrew Bible

Menghun GOH https://orcid.org/0009-0005-4146-6362

Taiwan Graduate School of Theology

Abstract: This essay examines how  שָׂנֵא(“to hate”),  עָזַב(“to abandon”), גָּרַשׁ  (“to cast out”), and שָׁלַח (“to send away”) are employed in the Hebrew Bible to denote and connote “divorce.” While the patriarchal values and practices are hard to miss, this essay finds the usages of שָׁלַח outside of Pentateuch, in particular in Isaiah 50, Jeremiah 3 and Malachi 2, subversive with respect to the typically negative representation of women. The metaphoric feature and signification of שָׁלַח should not be overlooked and reduced. As such this essay urges caution in citing the “divorce” imagery in the Hebrew Bible as the support and rationale for one’s agenda.

Keywords: Ancient Near East, metaphor, divorce, marriage, law


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江耀国 https://orcid.org/0009-0000-7567-645X


摘要:本文探讨约翰福音中“永生”(ζωή αἰώνιος)的概念及其神学意涵。透过回顾学界对“永生”内涵的四种主要看法:(一)恒常的生命、(二)真实、崭新、属灵的生命、(三)将来时代的生命、(四)复活的生命,本文指出其中以“复活生命说”最为明确清晰。进一步探讨永生是今世抑或未来之事,作者归纳绝大多数学者支持“今世论”,认为永生是信徒在今生即可获得,同时也具有未来面向,呈现“永生的二阶段论”。最后,本文分析如何获得永生的问题,指出在约翰福音中,“信”是唯一、必要也足够的条件。然而这个“信”并非一般、表面的相信,乃是委身于基督,与基督合而为一的信。总之,本文透过对永生的多维度分析,阐明了约翰福音的核心信息:“信耶稣得永生”的丰富内涵及重要神学意义。



Life, Death, and Beyond: Multidimensional Analysis of ζωὴ αἰώνιος and Its Theological Implications in the Fourth Gospel

Yao-kuo Eric CHIANG https://orcid.org/0009-0000-7567-645X

Chung Yuan Christian University

Abstract: This paper explores the concept of “eternal life” (ζωή αἰώνιος) in the Gospel of John and its theological implications. By reviewing four main interpretations of the meaning of “eternal life” in scholarly discourse – (1) everlasting life, (2) true, new, and spiritual life, (3) eschatological life of the future age, and (4) resurrected life – the paper highlights the clarity and prominence of the “resurrected life” perspective. Furthermore, it examines whether eternal life is a present reality or a future hope. The majority of scholars support the “present age view,” asserting that believers can obtain eternal life in the present while also acknowledging its future dimension, thus presenting a “two-stage view” of eternal life. Finally, the paper addresses the question of how to attain eternal life, emphasizing that in the Gospel of John, “faith” is the sole necessary and sufficient condition. However, this faith is not a superficial belief but a wholehearted commitment to and union with Christ. In summary, through a multidimensional analysis of eternal life, this paper elucidates the rich meaning and significant theological implications of the core message of the Gospel of John: “believing in Jesus to obtain eternal life.”

Keywords: Gospel of John, eternal life, resurrection, present age, faith


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周歌珊 https://orcid.org/0009-0002-8895-4249


摘要:本文为“道”译Logos早期接受史研究的一部分;该研究意在展现“道”译Logos形成的历史处境,以弥补过往探讨对义理的偏重。传统上认为,“道”译Logos 最早出现于新教二代译本。由此出发,本文将考察范围扩展至1836年前的早期伦敦会传教士出版物;经初步梳理后指出,“道”译Logos最晚在1830年代初已见于一般宣教作品,如马礼逊的《古圣奉神天启示道家训》(1832)、及麦都思的《福音调和》(1834)均有运用。故而,本文修正了“道”译Logos的历史起点,且为深入的处境讨论提供了更明确的落脚点及素材。



Taou, its paths into the Bible (I): Revisiting the Inception of the Taou-Logos Translation in Protestant Chinese Bible

Elsie Ge-Shan ZHOU    https://orcid.org/0009-0002-8895-4249

Center for the Study of Religion and Society, Shanghai University

Abstract: This article contributes to an extensive research initiative aimed at investigating the early reception history of the Taou-Logos rendering within the prologue of the Johannine Gospel, a seminal part of Chinese Bible translation history. The study endeavors to explore the historical context of this translation choice, an aspect hitherto overshadowed by the predominance of comparative conceptual analysis in scholarly discourse. While initially aligning with the prevailing view that posits the Taou-Logos translation’s formal inception within the second-generation Chinese Bible of 1836, the present inquiry extends its scope to include general missionary publications from the London Missionary Society that predate this edition. It uncovers earlier instances of the Taou-Logos translation in Robert Morrison’s Domestic Instructor (1832) and Walter H. Medhurst’s the Harmony of the Gospels (1834), thereby challenging the accepted timeline and offering specific nodes that may facilitate a more profound contextual examination.

Keywords: Taou-Logos, the Second-Generation of Protestant Chinese Bible, Robert Morrison, Walter Henry Medhurst, the Harmony of the Gospels, Domestic Instructor

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0007

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段文郡熠 https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5821-7215





Study on the Anthropology of Syriac Church Father Mar Jacob of Sarug

Wenjunyi DUAN  https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5821-7215

 Minzu University of China

Abstract: Mar Jacob of Sarug is an important Syriac church father. This article takes the homily 71 “The Six Days of Creation” and the homily 72 “On the Creation of Adam and the Resurrection of the Dead” and other Mar Jacob’s homilies as the starting point to conduct a discussion on his anthropology. Firstly, Mar Jacob calls the world created by God a beautiful world, and humankind is the most beautiful creature. Secondly, Mar Jacob believed that humankind is the image of God—humankind is different from other creatures in the way of creation, and was created by God according to his image and likeness, “to the Father, Adam will be the image; to the Son, Adam will be the likeness”. In his view, the nous or intellect of humankind is similar to God himself, while human soul is similar to the power of God, and human body to the material world which consists of four elements and six directions. Therefore, humankind is a “small world” that reflects God and the “great world” which He created. This very beautiful creature, this “small world” is disintegrating due to the temptation of the Satan and man's free will, but Mar Jacob points out that through God's salvation, humankind will regain beauty and clothe on light, through the “second creation” on the resurrection.

Keywords: Anthropology; Jacob of Sarug; Oriental Church Father; Syriac Church

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0008

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唐洪林 https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5112-7268





Christian Saints and Their Paradoxical Nature

Paul Honglin TANG https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5112-7268

Guangdong Union Theological Seminary

Abstract: This study delves into the concept of Christian sainthood and discusses its inherent paradoxical nature from the perspective of Christian biblical theology. The article begins by clearly defining holiness as a unique attribute of God that stands in opposition to the profane and highlights God's unapproachableness and transcendence. Consequently, the author argues that the identity of sainthood is fundamentally based on belonging to God, rather than relying on personal moral perfection. It then analyses in depth the paradoxical nature of sainthood: despite the fact that saints derive their holiness from God's grace, they are still called to pursue holiness. Finally, the article further explores the contemporary interpretation of the paradoxical nature of sainthood. The author emphasizes that the saints are those who have entered the kingdom of God and should seek first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness. In addition, the identity of saints as God's people determines and shapes their ethical behavior, and their qualities as saints are thus not the result of personal efforts, but rather the embodiment of God's grace, qualities that are manifested in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, this article effectively explains the saint's paradoxical nature and provides important theoretical guidance for the practical life of believers.

Keywords: Holiness, Saints, Paradox, Kingdom of God, Identity Ethics

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0009

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汤士文 https://orcid.org/0009-0007-5415-598X





Heaven’s Way and Life: On the Commonalities between Jesus and Confucius's Outlook on Life

Shiwen TANG  https://orcid.org/0009-0007-5415-598X

Zhejiang Theological Seminary

Abstract: As great teachers, both Jesus and Confucius are concerned about Heaven’s Way and life. There are many commonalities and similarities between Jesus and Confucius’s outlook on life. They all teach people how to fear (respect) Heaven and love people, advocate the unity (harmony) of Heaven and human revere one’s father and mother, love other people as oneself, seek peace, and finally make this world become one family and one harmonious world. The teachings of Jesus and Confucius are not contradictory, but they complement each other. The Chinese inherent Confucian culture of Heaven’s Way and philosophy of life is one of the ideas closest (most closely related) to Christianity. If Chinese Confucian culture accepts the Gospel of Christ, it will undoubtedly be as stated in the Vatican II Council said, that and the result will make the content of Christian churches and Chinese culture more abundant and brighter (brilliant).

Keywords: Jesus, Confucius, outlook on life, comparative ethics, and commonalities

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0010

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李雋 https://orcid.org/0009-0007-6578-8037





The Pilgrim Church: Biblical, Theological and Historical Perspectives

Chun LI  https://orcid.org/0009-0007-6578-8037

 Chinese Theological College Australia

Abstract: The concept of “the Pilgrim Church” has regained prominence since the Second Vatican Council. This paper analyzes the biblical foundations, theological orientations, and historical applications of “the Pilgrim Church”. While “the Pilgrim Church” differs from other church models, its biblical basis is not sufficient to define it as a stable concept. The historical application of this idea also reveals diverse interpretative approaches, suggesting that this notion as an understanding of the church still has its limitations.

Keywords: Pilgrim, Pilgrim Church, Church models

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0011

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张诗尧 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7093-3506





On the Origin of the Crusade Army from the Perspective of Agenda-setting Theory:A Case Study of UrbanⅡ’s Sermon

Shiyao ZHANG  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7093-3506

 Party School of the Hanchuan Committee of C. P. C

Abstract: The Crusade was one of the important historical events in the Middle Ages of Western Europe. The war in the name of religion since 1096 had a profound impact on Western Europe and the Near East. It is well known that an important reason for the Crusade was the speech delivered by Pope UrbanⅡon 27 November 1095 at the Council of Clermont in France, which was largely due to the application of the agenda-setting theory in the speech. This paper will re-examine the speech of UrbanⅡfrom the perspective of agenda setting, and discuss the origin of the crusade by integrating other factors.

Keywords: agenda-setting theory, public psychology, the Crusade, Urban Ⅱ

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0012

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孟祥交 https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6563-3903





A Study of the Lima Document in the Christian Unity

Xiangjiao MENG  https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6563-3903

School of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Minzu University of China

Abstract: The Lima document is a landmark document in the Christian Unity. This article sorts out the history of the production of the Lima document. Meanwhile, this article briefly introduces the theology of the Lima document to present the Lima document's interpretation of the unity of baptism, eucharist and ministry. The Lima document has provoked a wide range of responses from the world Christian community and deeply influenced ecclesiological studies, liturgical worship and dialogue among the denominations. From the perspective of religious dialogue, the Lima document is the result of the effective development of theological thought through the dialogue of the world Christian community to promote the unity of churches. Rethinking this in the Chinese context, the idea of development is also the essential thought in the dialogue between Chinese culture tradition and Christian culture tradition in the whole system of Chinese culture.

Keywords: Christian Liturgy, Christian Unity, Interdenominational Dialogue, Lima Document, Theological Development

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0013

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李文力 htps://orcid.org/0009-0007-1376-2572





An Investigation on the Editorial Staff of Christian Weekly Tien Feng (1945–1949)

Wenli LI  https://orcid.org/0009-0007-1376-2572

School of History, Anhui University

Abstract: Tien Feng, which was founded in 1945, has a special and important position in the history of Chinese Christian press. It is an indispensable reference for the study of Chinese Christian history from 1945 to the present. Because of the journal's own reasons, it is unclear who the early editors were and when their tenure was. In this research, starting from verifying and sorting out the editorial staff of Tien Feng, relevant historical documents are collected. On the basis of this, the process of the journal from relatively simple in the early days to increasingly mature and complete is investigated.

Keywords: Editorial Staff, Tien Feng, Wu Yao-tsung

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0014

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Nanchang General Hospital and Social Changes in Modern Jiangxi (1897–1937)

Huiping FENG  https://orcid.org/0009-0002-2505-3822

 College of History and Culture, Hunan Normal University

Abstract: Mission hospitals are important medical institutions established by modern Christianity to promote medical missionary work. Since modern times, The Methodist Episcopal Mission has established multiple mission hospitals in China, which have had various impacts on the regional society of modern China. Nanchang Hospital is an important medical institution founded by American Methodist Episcopal Mission in Jiangxi. It’s earliest founding time can be traced back to 1897. After about 40 years of development, the hospital has become a large-scale comprehensive mission hospital in Jiangxi Province before the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. From the perspective of development history and local social relations, Nanchang Hospital and other mission hospitals have both similarities and their own unique features. Under the trend of localizing mission hospitals, Nanchang Hospital has also followed the trend and gradually localized. The interaction between the hospital and local society objectively promoted the changes in local society in Jiangxi, and had a profound impact on the medical and health care, customs, charitable relief, and foreign relations of modern Jiangxi.

Keywords: Christianity, Nanchang Hospital, Modern Jiangxi, Social change

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0015

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唐冬梅 https://orcid.org/0009-0003-7796-4959

刘虹余 https://orcid.org/0009-0000-4426-3943





Missionary Writings on City Image of Chengdu in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican Days

Dongmei TANG  https://orcid.org/0009-0003-7796-4959

Hongyu LIU  https://orcid.org/0009-0000-4426-3943

 College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Chengdu University

Abstract: In the second half of 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, missionaries from English-speaking world went into Sichuan area with missionary purpose. During their stay in Sichuan, they carefully observed Sichuan society and put their observations and thinking into writings. Chengdu was the center of their missionary work and thus had been richly depicted in these writings. This article sorts out missionaries’ writings on the city image of Chengdu during this period of time and by examining vocabularies and themes in these writings, points out that missionaries’ depiction composed a positive city image of Chengdu, therefore sets the image construction of Chengdu city apart from the negativity shown in most missionary writings on China and Chinese people during that period of time.

Keywords: Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican Days, Missionary Writings, Chengdu City Image

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29635/JRCC.202406_(22).0016

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蔡沂蓁 https://orcid.org/0009-0007-2005-3897



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张容德 https://orcid.org/0009-0007-3836-8870



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田野 https://orcid.org/0009-0006-2313-7749



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顾彦申 https://orcid.org/0009-0004-5643-4294



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