


Journal of Research for Christianity in China




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Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914) is published jointly by the Center of Chrisitanity and China in Los Angeles, USA and the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University, China. This journal was founded in 2013. Submissions or any comments should be sent to this email address: ChrisianStudies@163.com. More information, please visit this website: ChineseCS.cc.






顾问Editorial Advisor:

李 灵(美国洛杉矶基督教与中国研究中心)
Daniel L. LI (Christianity and China Research Center, Los Angeles)

主编Editor in Chief:

Qinghe XIAO (Shanghai Unviersity)

副主编Associate Editor-in-Chief:

俞 强(上海大学)
Qiang YU (Shanghai University)
彭 睿(南昌大学)
Rui PENG (Nanchang University)
刘 平(复旦大学)
Ping LIU (Fudan University)

编辑委员会Editors Committee:

Jianbin GUO (Southwest Minzu University)
Huaisi SONG (Hubei Minzu Universtiy)
Yilin XIE (Jinan University)
奚 望(北京大学)
Wang XI (Peking University)
聂 利(中南民族大学)
Li NIE (South Central University for Nationalities)
Nathanael WANG (Chung Yuan Christian University)
Vicky Lianghui SUN (University of Notre Dame)
贺 腾(复旦大学)
Teng HE (Fudan University)

助理编辑Assistant Editor:

Yi WANG (Shanghai University)


Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914)
No. 20, June 2023







编者的话(郭建斌) 1
From the Editor(GUO Jianbin) 1


特 稿 10
Special Articles 10

圣灵和幽灵:从真理到独裁(李灵) 11
Holy Spirit and Ghost:From Truth to Dictatorship(LI Ling) 25

当代中国宗教学的回顾与展望(李建欣) 26
Reviews and Prospects of Contemporary Chinese Religious Study(LI Jianxin) 42

教宗首席权与无误论的中世纪历史背景及其相关政治哲学问题论要(徐龙飞) 43
The Medieval Background of papal Primat and Infallibilitas or rather their political Meaning Hic et Nunc(XU Longfei) 125


一般论文 126
Articles 126


Psalm 95 and Matthew 11:25-3(Donald WANG) 144

论上帝的圣爱(Agape)与公义(Dikaiosynē)(査常平) 163
On God’s Agape/ Love And Dikaiosynē/ Righteousness(ZHA Changping) 191

浅析“圣母始胎无染原罪”信理之意义(钱怡婷) 192
A brief analysis of the meaning of the doctrine of “Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary"(QIAN Yiting) 214

托马斯·阿奎那的希望观(宣平安) 215
On Thomas Aquinas’ view of hope(XUAN Ping’an) 232

基督教在西南地区本地化传播与承续的探析(倪步晓) 233
A Study on the Local Dissemination and Continuity of Christianity in Southwest China: A Case Study of Sichuan and Guizhou Parish of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (1934-1949) (NI Buxiao) 279

“野蛮”或“文明”? 十六世纪西班牙传教士眼中的中国和拉丁美洲(侯安娜、任乐) 280
The Question of “Barbarism” : Spanish Missionaries’ Comparative Views of China and Spanish America in the Sixteenth Century(Ana Carolina HOSNE, REN Le) 298

“铁西三剑客”小说与基督教文化(陈伟华、孙怡) 299
On the Novels and Christian Culture of “Three Musketeers of Tiexi” (CHEN Weihua, SUN Yi) 319

论中国当代罪案剧与基督教文化(陈伟华、屈子正) 320
On Chinese Contemporary "Crime Drama" and Christian Culture(CHEN Weihua, QU Zizheng) 338

基督教素食主义的理论与实践图景:基于沙县、厦门基督复临安息日会的访问与观察(高静) 339
A theoretical and practical picture of Christian vegetarianism in China:Visits and Observations Based on the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sha County and Xiamen(GAO Jing) 359

疫情时期基督徒的心灵状态分析:基于教会论、圣礼、末世论(崔任中) 360
Analysis of Christians Mental State in the Epidemic Period: Based on Ecclesiology, Sacrament, Eschatology(CUI Renzhong) 375

信仰与理性之圆融及其张力:基督教“信仰”观探微(包瑜婕) 376
The Harmony and Tension of Faith and Reason:A Probe into the View of "Faith" in Christianity(BAO Yujie) 396

译稿 397
Translations 397

论国家与宗教(瓦格纳著、奚望译、李沛阳校) 398
萨义德的东方主义与基督教差会研究(斯旺森著、陶小路译) 418

编辑部启事 431
Announcements from the Editors 431

中国基督教研究优秀论文奖 432
中国基督教研究优秀学生奖学金 433
《中国基督教研究》稿约 434
《中国基督教研究》注释体例 435







From the Editors

GUO Jianbin (Southwest Minzu University)

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Holy Spirit and Ghost:From Truth to Dictatorship

LI Ling (The Center for Christiantity and China, LA., USA)

Abstract: This paper focuses on how truth and power have been combined in the history of Western Christianity, eventually leading to the sanctification of power and the power of truth. Once a certain truth is sanctified, it can easily be adopted as an absolute dogma and become a tool to destroy dissenters or even kill people, becoming a "ghost" wandering over the heads of the people. Therefore, the pursuit of truth is a legitimate act, but using the so-called truth as a tool to consolidate power and maintain dictatorship is not desirable.
Keywords: Holy Spirit, Truth, Dictatorship


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摘要:本文首先采用美国著名宗教学家尼尼安·斯马特(Ninian Smart)提出的七面相(seven-dimensional)的框架,揭示宗教学研究的对象——宗教是一个复杂而多元的社会历史现象;第二部分分三个阶段回顾民国以来到改革开放之前我国宗教学的发展:⑴现代中国宗教学奠基:20世纪20、30年代;⑵当代中国宗教学的初创:1949-1966年;⑶当代中国宗教学的凋零时期:1966-1978年;第三部分分两部分讲述改革开放以来40年来我国宗教学的发展:⑴当代中国宗教学的恢复与重建:1978-20世纪90年代;⑵新时代的中国宗教学。最后提出对我国宗教学学科体系建设的初步设想。


Reviews and Prospects of Contemporary Chinese Religious Study

LI Jianxin (China Academy of Social Sciences)

Abstract: This paper first adopts the seven-dimensional framework proposed by the famous American scholar of religious studies Ninian Smart to reveal that religion, the object of religious studies, is a complex and multifaceted socio-historical phenomenon. The second part reviews the development of religious studies in China since the Republic of China until the reform and opening up: (1) the foundation of modern Chinese religious studies: 1920s and 1930s; (2) the beginning of contemporary Chinese religious studies: 1949-1966; (3) the waning period of contemporary Chinese religious studies: 1966-1978. The third part describes the development of Chinese religious studies in the 40 years since the reform and opening up in two parts: (1) the restoration and reconstruction of contemporary Chinese religious studies: 1978-1990s; and (2) Chinese religious studies in the new era. Finally, it presents a preliminary vision of the construction of the disciplinary system of religious studies in China.
Keywords: Contemporary Religious Studies, Review, Outlook


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The Medieval Background of papal Primat and Infallibilitas or rather their political Meaning Hic et Nunc

XU Longfei (Peking University)

Abstract: This article has his main theme not only about the papal Primacy and Infallibility, but also on their political meaning contemporary; After the orientation of methodic it discusses at first mainly the medieval background even to the 19. Centry, and then the question about the reference of the church- and profane history, multy strained moments of inner-church- and profane political structure, Pope and his reform, investitur, schism of Pope etc. at the end is conclusion on the contemporary meaning of the discussed question in several aspects.
Keywords: Pope, Primacy, infallibility, church-reform, investitur


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A Covenant Reading of the Warning Passage in Hebrews 6:4-8

JIANG Tian (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School)

Abstract:The warning passages in Hebrews demonstrate the two sides of salvation - redemption and judgment - a dichotomy consistent with the covenant model. The primary debate among scholars over these warning passages is whether Christians will lose their salvation. Hebrews 6:4-8 is the center of all warning passages, and interpretations of these passages are divided into two leading schools of thought, Arminianism and Calvinism. This paper attempts to combine the Arminian and Calvinist readings of the warning passages through the lens of covenant theology and to demonstrate that the warning passages in Hebrews are the same as the warning passages elsewhere in the New Testament, which uses the Old Testament covenant model. The New Testament authors imitated the Old Testament prophets in warning the covenant people, both community and individual, not to bring judgment but to call for repentance. The prophetic warning passages in Hebrews are not a judgment on the apostate's final state of salvation, but a call to repentance.
Keywords: Covenant, Hebrews, repentance



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Psalm 95 and Matthew 11:25-3

Donald WANG ( Trinity International University)

Abstract: Rest is an important biblical theology theme. Psalm 95 has strong parallels with Matthew 11:25-30, and the shared literary features and theological themes show that Matthew 11:25-30 alludes to Psalm 95. The invitation of Jesus to come to him for rest is the fulfillment of the typology of Sabbath rest in the Old Testament.
Keywords: Rest, allusion, Psalm 95, Matthew 11:25-30



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On God's Agape/ Love And Dikaiosynē/ Righteousness

ZHA Changping (Sichuan University)

Abstract: After discussing the transcendence and immanence of God, this paper defines that God’s being that is an absolute relevance in absolute difference (God’s oneness in trinity) and an absolute difference in absolute relevance (God’s persons in trinity). The former signifies God’s agape/ love in His righteousness, while the latter does God’s righteousness in His agape/ love. These attributes of God in the orthodox Christianity will be shown through the doctrine of trinity. Specifically, the prescription of God’s trinity means that that of the relationship of God as both an absolute difference and an absolute relevance among His three persons. God’s oneness in trinity signifies God’s absolute relevance inhering in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and God’s agape/ love that is an essential attribute, while God’s three persons in trinity signifies God’s absolute difference inhering in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and God’s righteousness that is an essential attribute. The author names them as God’s structure. As the confession of the catholic Church, it becomes the basic difference between Christianity and any heresy in history. Finally, this paper concludes that God is one who is not only in the world but also above the world, and who is not only immanent in the world but also transcends the world. God is absolutely related to the world by His agape/ love, when God is absolutely different from the world by His righteousness. Therefore, God is the being of having both agape/ love and righteousness which are rooted in God’s names as Elohim and Adonai in Hebrew, and which are rooted in the confessions of the catholic Church in history.
Keywords: God, Absolute Difference, Absolute Relevance, Love, Righteousness


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A brief analysis of the meaning of the doctrine of “Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary"

QIAN Yiting (Peking University)

Abstract: Before the 12th century, the dogma of "the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary" was not explicitly confirmed, and there was no direct, clear, and rigorous evidence in the Bible to prove the validity of this doctrine. But it has been argued that this doctrine is secretly contained in the teachings of the church Fathers. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, this issue was extremely controversial. Well-known theologians of that time, including Thomas Aquinas, held reservations about " Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary".
Keywords: Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary, Bible, Thomas Aquinas


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On Thomas Aquinas' view of hope

XUAN Ping'an (Peking University)

Abstract: This paper takes Thomas Aquinas' view of hope as the researching object. Firstly, this paper analyzes the problem of hope from the perspective of religious study and the history of philosophy. From the viewpoint of religious study, hope reflects different comprehensions of ultimate reality and self. From the perspective of the history of philosophy, especially from Greek philosophy to modern philosophy, there is a debate on whether hope is consistent with reason, and whether hope will interfere with people's understanding of reality. Secondly, this paper is divided into three parts to analyze Aquinas' view of hope: firstly, it discusses hope and theological hope, the former’s agent is irascibility, the latter’s is reason, so hope as a theological virtue is consistent with reason; To Aquinas, fear and hope are complementary, and filial fear can elevate theological hope to charity, which is a major feature of Aquinas' view of hope. As for despair and presumption, the defect of both lies not in general reason but in the inability to apply reason to a particular situation. Finally, this paper concludes that Aquinas' view of hope has a characteristic of reconciling reason and faith, it’s instructive to reality and thus answers the question of hope in the history of philosophy.
Keywords:  hope, hope(as a theological virtue) , Thomas Aquinas, reason





A Study on the Local Dissemination and Continuity of Christianity in Southwest China: A Case Study of Sichuan and Guizhou Parish of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (1934-1949)

NI Buxiao (Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong)

Abstract: From 1934 to 1949, the development of the Sichuan and Guizhou Parish of the Christian and Missionary Alliance showed that, as the only Christian missionary in the eastern part of Sichuan and Guizhou, the missionaries committed themselves to evangelizing and saving people's souls with local Christians. At the same time, the localization process of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in the eastern part of Sichuan and Guizhou is an important symbol of the success of its dissemination. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the Christian and Missionary Alliance achieved localization in marginal areas, that is, to promote the belief identification and practice mechanism of local Christians to save souls. Leaving the definition of localized church and no longer promoting missionary mission is not a localized form of evangelical mission in a strict sense, nor does it conform to the characteristics of independent churches of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Therefore, the contact between the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the local people shows that the process from "foreign" to "local" not only realizes the goal of local independence but also shows the phenomenon of the inheritance of Christianity in China.
Keywords: The Christian and Missionary Alliance, Sichuan and Guizhou region, localization, evangelism, inheritance mechanism


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野蛮”或“文明”? 十六世纪西班牙传教士眼中的中国和拉丁美洲

侯安娜(Ana Carolina Hosne)(阿根廷国家科学院CONICET)、任乐(四川大学外国语学院)


关键词:西班牙传教士、菲律宾、明朝中国、殖民时期拉丁美洲 、文明与野蛮


The Question of “Barbarism”:  Spanish Missionaries’ Comparative Views of China and Spanish America in the Sixteenth Century

Ana Carolina HOSNE (CONICET),  REN Le (Sichuan University)

Abstract: Throughout the 16th century, with greater force after the conquest of the Philippines islands in 1565 by Philip II, an increasing number of Spaniards started to travel to the Philippines from New Spain (modern Mexico). Taking the islands as a “springboard” to China, they had two main purposes: establish trade relations with, and – in the case of missionaries from different religious orders – preach the Christian doctrine in China. This article proposes to analyze how Spanish views of China in the 16th century were influenced by previous experiences in and knowledge of Spanish America, especially New Spain. The focus of analysis is on “barbarism” as a yardstick by which to assess different aspects of these two parts of the world. The first section of this article examines how the “discovery” of America encouraged debates in Europe regarding the condition of “barbarians” of the Amerindians, as a justification of their conquest and the use of violence. A second section analyzes how Spanish missionaries set forth different comparisons between these two spaces, China and New Spain. A third section examines these comparisons with a special focus on Jesuit missionaries. Conclusions reflect on how the experience of the conquest of America shaped the views of some Spanish missionaries regarding certain aspects of Chinese culture.
Keywords: Spanish missionaries, Philippines, Ming China, Colonial Latin America, Culture, Barbarians


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On the Novels and Christian Culture of “Three Musketeers of Tiexi”

Chen Weihua,  Sun Yi (Hunan University)

Abstract:  In the works of the “Three Musketeers of Tiexi”-Shuang Xuetao, Ban Yu, Zheng Zhi , there are many religious and cultural elements,these elements are not only metaphorical in nature, but also participate in the narrative, completing the logic of the plot and sublimating its thematic content. Faith and salvation are the main themes of Christian culture, but it is worth noting that religion is not a panacea in the writing of the “Three Musketeers of Tiexi”, nor is it always sacred and glorious. Through the absorption and application of Christian culture, they integrate religious culture into secular writing, using secular elements to form a religious imagination, offering the possibility of transcendence for people in secular difficulties, and re-examining the value of "existence" of "human beings". The “Three Musketeers of Tiexi” see the subjective will of the individual as the best weapon to resist nothingness, giving the characters trapped in the wilderness of life the spiritual power to transcend reality, implicitly calling for their lost values and shining with the light of humanitarianism.
Keywords: Three Musketeers of Tiexi, Christian culture, secular culture, humanism, existentialism


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On Chinese Contemporary "Crime Drama" and Christian Culture

CHEN Weihua,  QU Zizheng (Hunan University)

Abstract: As a special type of TV drama, "crime drama" occupies an important position in the current TV drama market in China. Chinese "crime dramas" are more or less influenced by Christian culture in the process of development. The relationship between Chinese contemporary "crime drama" and Christian culture can be seen from the performance of Christian cultural symbols, images and "guilt culture" in Chinese crime dramas.
Keywords: Crime Drama, Christian culture, Symbols, Imagery, Culture of Guilt


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A theoretical and practical picture of Christian vegetarianism in China:Visits and Observations Based on the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sha County and Xiamen

GAO Jing (Fujian Institute of Nationalities and Religions)

Abstract: This research report shows the cases of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sha County and Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, which adhere to and advocate the vegetarian tradition. This paper introduces the ideological source of Christian vegetarianism advocated bySeventh-day Adventist Church and the important viewpoints of Ellen white,focuses on observing how they understand and practice vegetarianism in Sha county and Xiamen.The team in Sha County, based on the advantages of Sha county snacks famous nationwide, developed and promoted Sha county vegetarian snacks. The team in Xiamen is based on the vacation environment on Kulangyu Island to develop a sanatorium. The case interviews recorded the experiences and feelings of those who accepted the Christian vegetarianism life philosophy,They believe that Christian vegetarianism have indeed brought benefits to their health, which shows that vegetarianism therapy is more attractive to people with health problems. Of course, these cases are not comprehensive, but only provide a perspective for reference.
Keywords: Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ellen white, vegetarianism, Sha County and Xiamen


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Analysis of Christians Mental State in the Epidemic Period:Based on Ecclesiology、Sacrament、Eschatology

CUI Renzhong (Minzu University of China)

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is a severe test for people all over the world. From a macro perspective, it has deeply impacted various aspects of the world, including politics, economy, and culture. At the micro level, it has caused great emotional trauma to individuals. As a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, different social communities have their own distinctive characteristics such as thinking and practice, and these different characteristics have been amplified to a certain extent in the context of the epidemic. Therefore, with the help of the combination of the background of the epidemic and the factors of the Christian community, this paper intends to briefly analyze the mental state of Christians during the epidemic period with the Ecclesiastical dimension, Sacramental dimension and Eschatological dimension of Christian theology, so as to open up a new perspective for understanding the unique thinking characteristics of this community.

Keywords: Epidemic period, Christian, Ecclesiology, Sacraments, Eschatology


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The Harmony and Tension of Faith and Reason:A Probe into the View of "Faith" in Christianity

BAO Yujie (Shanghai Normal University)

Abstract: The development of Christianity in the broadest sense has gone through a historical transition from Judaism and early Christianity (Catholicism) to Protestantism. During this process, although different believers at different times had faith in God, they found different ways of internalizing their faith and different answers to the question "How does God exist in their faith? In response to these two questions, this paper analyzes the relationship between faith and reason within Christianity, and the further development of the concept of faith in the Protestant Christian emphasis on "secular life," using the unexamined spirit of "faith" in Judaism as a comparative object. We also analyze the further development of the concept of faith in the Protestant Christian emphasis on "secular life. The shift in the position of "God" in the historical development of Judaism, early Christianity, and Protestantism.

Keywords: Christianity, Protestantism, Judaism, Faith, Conception of God


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论国家与宗教 [作者:瓦格纳,译者:奚望(北京大学),校者:李沛阳(北京大学)]

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萨义德的东方主义与基督教差会研究 [作者:斯旺森,译者:陶小路(上海大学)]

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6 月


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