
Journal of Research for Christianity in China




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Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914) is published jointly by the Center of Chrisitanity and China in Los Angeles, USA and the Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese Society, Shanghai University, China. This journal was founded in 2013. Submissions or any comments should be sent to this email address: ChrisianStudies@163.com. More information, please visit this website: ChineseCS.cc.






顾问 Editorial Advisor:

李 灵(美国洛杉矶基督教与中国研究中心)
Daniel L. LI (Christianity and China Research Center, Los Angeles)

主编 Editor in Chief:

Qinghe XIAO (Peking Unviersity)

副主编 Associate Editor-in-Chief:

俞 强(上海大学)
Qiang YU (Shanghai University)
彭 睿(南昌大学)
Rui PENG (Nanchang University)
刘 平(复旦大学)
Ping LIU (Fudan University)

编辑委员会 Editors Committee:

Jianbin GUO (Southwest Minzu University)
Huaisi SONG (Hubei Minzu Universtiy)
Yilin XIE (Jinan University)
奚 望(北京大学)
Wang XI (Peking University)
聂 利(中南民族大学)
Li NIE (South-central Minzu University)
Nathanael WANG (Chung Yuan Christian University)
Vicky Lianghui SUN (University of Notre Dame)
贺 腾(复旦大学)
Teng HE (Fudan University)
Jacob Chengwei FENG(Fuller Theological Seminary)
Songzan XU (University of Cambridge)

助理编辑 Assistant Editor:

Ruiyou XU (Shanghai University)


Journal of Research for Christianity in China (Semi-Annual, ISSN: 2325-9914)
No. 21, December 2023







编者的话(聂利) 1
From the Editor(NIE Li) 1

特 稿 7
Special Articles 7

论世界图景逻辑(查常平) 8
On the World-picture Logic(ZHA Changping) 33

一般论文 34
Articles 34

东北沦陷时期日伪利用天主教仪式开展的政治教化(徐炳三、赵洋) 35
Political Discipline and Catholic Ceremony in Manchukuo:Taking the Record of Manchuria Monthly as an Example(XU Bingsan, ZHAO Yang) 52

从属抑或自立?——香港五旬节会“三自”之刍议(陈明丽) 53
Dependence or Independence? ——The Attempting Discussion on “ Three-Self” of Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission(CHEN Mingli) 72

福音与处境化:以香港圣公会圣士提反堂为例(1865-1888)(陈睿文) 73
Gospel and Contextualization: A Case Study of St. Stephen’s Church, HKSKH(CHEN Ruiwen) 95

宗教、社会性别与医疗:一位英国女传教士在云南的护理助产实践及其启示(1933-1939)(李明慧) 96
Religion, Gender and Medicine: The Nursing and Midwifery Practice of an English Woman Missionary in Yunnan and its Implications, 1933-1939(LI Minghui) 132

“疗灵”还是“疗身”:伦敦会黄陂医院与近代地方社会(康婉盈) 133
Research on the Central China Arthington Hospital in Huangpei(KANG Wanying) 153

香港浸会大学图书馆“基督教在华发展史”特藏介绍(黄韫瑜) 154
An introduction to the special collection “Archives on the History of Christianity in China” in the Hong Kong Baptist University Library(WONG Wan Yu) 163

东西方文明冲突境域下的义和团运动及中西古今之争(李安泽) 164
The Boxer Movement and the Disputes between the Medieval China and the Modern West from the Perspective of the Conflict between Eastern and Western Civilization (LI Anze)181

Seven Spirits from Patmos: Towards a Decolonial Chinese Theology for the Third Millennium(Jacob Chengwei FENG) 182

作为信心的信仰:以基督教为例(毕聪聪) 220
Belief as Faith:Taking Christianity as an Example(BI Congcong) 240

利玛窦传教方法对基督教中国化的启示(杨丝桐) 241
Implications of Matteo Ricci's Missionary Methods for Sinicization of Christianity(YANG Sitong) 266

女也不是无男,男也不是无女:哥林多前书十一章2至16节对两性创造次序的援用(李浩) 267
Woman is Not Independent of Man. And Man is Not Independent of Woman: The Order of the Creation of Man and Woman in 1 Corinthians 11:2–16(LI Hao) 318

艺术与新生:人文批评的主题(施诚刚) 319
Art and rebirth: the theme of humanistic criticism(SHI Chenggang) 332

艾萨克·牛顿的几何学圣经诠释(刘志强) 333
Isaac Newton’s Geometric Biblical Interpretation(LIU Zhiqiang) 354

译稿、书评与综述 355
Translations, Book Reviews and Reports 355

基督教的末世论的本体论地位(作者:Christipher Morse,隗仁莲译,安希孟校) 356

全球之网与在地之医:苏精《西医来华十记》述评(张敏) 372

“新史料、新方法、新理论:近代中外文化交流史研究再出发”国际学术研讨会会议综述(聂利) 383

研究资料 391
Documents 391

韩国学界对中国基督教史研究的现状(李惠源) 392

编辑部启事 411
Announcements from the Editors 411

《中国基督教研究》优秀论文奖 412
《中国基督教研究》优秀博士生奖 413
《中国基督教研究》稿约 414
《中国基督教研究》注释体例 415






From the Editor

聂 利(中南民族大学)

NIE Li (South-Central University)

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On the World-picture Logic

ZHA Changping (Sichuan University)

Abstract: This article discusses the world-picture logic that is holistic, multilayered, interactive. Therefore, the world-picture logic is a holistic, multilayered, interactive logic system of the interpretation of the world whose basis is the relational theology. Based on the relationship between creator and creations, the part of creations should be treated as the whole. The holistic in the world-picture logic means that the forming factors of the world consisted of the seven relationships (the seven dimensions) that include human-linguistic relationship (=relationship of humans and language), human-temporal relationship (=relationship of humans and time), human-self relationship (=relationship of humans and self), human-thing relationship (=relationship of humans and material nature, relationship of humans and natural organisms, relationship of humans and fleshly organisms), human-human relationship (=relationship of humans and others), human-history relationship (=relationship of humans and history), and human-divine relationship (=relationship of humans and the divine); The multilayered means that the relationship among the forming factors of the world needs to be interpreted stratifiedly from every dimension; The interactive means that the relationship among the forming factors of the world needs to be looked at for each other. The human among these relationships refers to the individual person who exists as an individual life in the community of humanity. This is especially important for the tradition of Chinese ideas that are oriented to collectivism as their value, because any idea without the existence of individual life including every person in history will ultimately alienate the existence of individual life from itself, deprive his independent personality and make him as a dependent one. They will result in the nonhuman, even anti-humanist totalitarian system of discourse in the fields of both social life and historical writing.

Keywords: The World-picture Logic, the Relational Theology, Holistic, Multilayered, Interactive

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Political Discipline and Catholic Ceremony in Manchukuo:Taking the Record of Manchuria Monthly as an Example

XU Bingsan (Central China Normal University), ZHAO Yang (Wuhan Museum)

Abstract: During Manchukuo period, Japanese Puppet Regime often dispatched political organizations and officials to preach Japanese political ideas at various Catholic ceremonies. Catholic community were forced to worship Imperial City, Japanese and Manchukuo emperor, Manchukuo flag, and sing Manchukuo song on the occasions. Cooperating with the authority, Catholic clerics combined Catholic doctrines with Japanese policies and sang high praise for Manchukuo. They asked Catholics to obey and service Manchukuo and Japan. Catholic communities were also obliged to participate in various political celebrations, which were most frequent in Catholic schools. Part of rituals, such as shrine worship, have obvious idolatry elements. The phenomenon not only reflects that Japanese and Puppet Regime tried to utilize religious organizations, but also indicate that the Holy See cooperated with Japan actively in order to keep Catholic mission benefits.

Keywords: Manchukuo, the Catholic Churches, Catholic rituals, the relationship between politics and religion

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Dependence or Independence? ——The Attempting Discussion on “ Three-Self” of Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission

CHEN Mingli (Guangzhou University)

Abstract: In the first half of the twentieth century, the independent of Chinese Churches became an irresistible trend, but the achievements were not satisfying. At that time, one new sect of Christianity—the Pentecost came into China. Meanwhile, the Pentecostal groups became independent gradually, there were some churches established by the Chinese only. In the early history of Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission, on the one hand, the independent Pentecostal missionaries didn’t have strong financial support, and because of the limit of native language and pursuing the breadth of ministry, they gave the Chinese believers enough space and authority to independence; on the other hand, the native evangelists grew up gradually at the same time, they raised money actively, undertook the different responsibilities of this community. On the whole, the Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission realized the “three-self principle”.

Keywords:The Pentecost, Independence, Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission

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摘要:1865年,维多利亚教区首任主教施美夫(George Smith)在荷里活道建立了圣士提反堂,开始了华人圣公会在港传教的叙事。与象征圣公会临在香港的英语堂圣约翰座堂不同,圣士提反教堂的建立旨在向香港本地人传播福音,因而表现出持久的福传特征。作为维多利亚教区和英国海外传道会历史的一部分,对圣士提反堂这一香港最早的信仰团体早期历史的考察将有助于我们澄清以下几个问题:这一华人圣公会牧区是在何种外部环境下建立的?最早的华人圣品和会众是谁?早期的崇拜是何种型态?在19世纪的香港,传教的策略和接受程度如何?在华圣公会如何与香港社会进行互动?等等。所有这些问题在某种程度上都可在圣士提反堂的早期史(1865-1888)中找到答案,以帮助我们理解福音与处境化的议题。



Gospel and Contextualization: A Case Study of St. Stephen’s Church, HKSKH

CHEN Ruiwen (Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Archives)

Abstract: In 1865, the first Bishop of Victoria George Smith (1815-1871) established St. Stephen's Church (parish) on Hollywood Road. This in effect is the beginning of the Chinese Anglican mission in Hong Kong. Unlike the English-speaking St. John's Cathedral which symbolizes the presence of the Anglicanism in Hong Kong, St. Stephen's Church was established to propagate the Gospel to the local people, and thus expresses a persistent evangelical character. Since this earliest community of faith in Hong Kong is part of the history of the Diocese of Victoria and of the Church Missionary Society (CMS), an examination of its early history will help us to clarify several questions: Under what external circumstances was this Chinese Anglican parish founded? Who were the earliest Chinese clergy and congregations? What did the early worship look like? What were the missionary strategies and acceptance levels in the 19th century Hong Kong? How did the Chinese Anglican Church interact with Hong Kong society? All of these questions may be answered, to some extent, in the early history of St. Stephen's, which will help us understand the issue about gospel and contextualization.

Keywords: Hong Kong, Anglicanism, St. Stephen’s Church, Contextualization

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摘要:近代时期海外女性医疗传教士来华行医传教,不仅深刻影响了中国女性的就医模式,也推动了西方妇产科学知识的传播及女性医护人员的培养。本文以英国女传教士Mildred Button为个案,从宗教、社会性别和医疗三个维度探讨在华女医疗传教士工作的意义与困境。该传教士以护士、助产士的身份来到云南昭通,其后辗转于不同岗位,在华仅六年便因家庭和健康关系辞去传教工作,似乎不算是“成功”的传教士。但她在华期间坚持写日记,还细致记录了接生工作,留下珍贵的资料。本文即以Mildred Button相关资料为基础,尝试分析她如何产生及坚定对基督教传教的信念、如何在既定医疗权力体系中使用职权、其工作又如何受地方卫生资源和社会文化的影响与制约,并由此反思有关近代时期医学传教、女性护理和助产工作中的一些问题。



Religion, Gender and Medicine: The Nursing and Midwifery Practice of an English Woman Missionary in Yunnan and its Implications, 1933-1939

LI Minghui(Central China Normal University)

Abstract: Women medical missionaries’ work in China in the modern period had not only impacted on the way Chinese women consulted medical advice profoundly, but also promoted the spread of Western Gynecological and Obstetrical knowledge as well as the modern medical education for women. This article, however, attempts to explore the significance and problems of women medical missionaries’ work in terms of religion, gender and medicine through focusing on the story of the English missionary Mildred Button. Mildred Button came to Zhaotong, Yunnan as a nurse and midwife in 1932 but resigned from her work only six years later due to health and family issues. Her post in China was changed several times during the course, and it seems that she did not have a so-called “successful” missionary career. However, she kept writing diary when she was in China and carefully registered each of her midwifery case, thus leaving valuable records about her work. Based on her records, this article tries to analyze how her faith in medical missionary formed, how she performed professional duties within a given medical hierarchy, and how her midwifery work was conducted in and restrained by local health resources as well as societal and cultural norms. Through these analyses, this article hopes to further respond to some remained research inquiries regarding the medical missionary and nursing/midwifery in modern China.

Keywords: Medical Missionary, Nursing and Midwifery, Professional Remit of Doctor and Nurse, Yunnan

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Research on the Central China Arthington Hospital in Huangpei

KANG Wanying (Shenzhen University)

Abstract: As traditions of Protestantism, medical preach is one of the most important part of the mission work of LMS in Hubei Province. Besides London Mission Hospital in Hankow and Siaokan, another mission hospital of LMS was built and opened in the early 20th century in Huangpei, it was the Central China Arthington Hospital. Based on the Archives of LMS Hankow Mission in SOAS, this paper will outline the history the Arthington Hospital from the aspects of preparation, hospital scale, funding sources, and medical services. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the attitude and interaction between the church hospital and local people, so as to provide a supplement for the research on Hubei Medical Modernization.

Keywords: London Missionary Society, Church Hospital, Medical Preach, Huangpei

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An introduction to the special collection “Archives on the History of Christianity in China” in the Hong Kong Baptist University Library

WONG Wan Yu (Hong Kong Baptist University Library)

Abstract: The Archives was established in 1996 and is a significant special collection in the Hong Kong Baptist University focusing on materials about the history of Protestant Christianity in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao. The article describes its history, collection, noteworthy items and digital resources.

Keywords: Hong Kong Baptist University, Library special collection, Christianity, China

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The Boxer Movement and the Disputes between the Medieval China and the Modern West from the Perspective of the Conflict between Eastern and Western Civilization

LI Anze (School of Philosophy, Heilongjiang University)

Abstract: The Boxer Movement is the result of contradictions between the Late-Qing China and the Western powers since the modern time. Apparently, it is the common people represented by the Boxers who wanted to resist the invasion of Western colonialism with "divine fist" and the folk culture. In essence, it is a conflict between the Chinese Confucian civilization and the Western Christian civilization. Also, it could be taken as a landmark of the outbreak of the conflict between Eastern and Western civilizations. The fact that the Boxer Movement failed irrefutably proves that the dispute between China and the West is a dispute between the Medieval and the Modern. As a result, the Boxer Movement became the turning point of Chinese history from the Medieval to the Modern, inspiring those who want to constantly think over the topic of civilization conflict and dialogue.

Keywords: Boxer Movement, Christianity, Confucianism, civilization conflict, civilization mutual learning

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Seven Spirits from Patmos: Towards a Decolonial Chinese Theology for the Third Millennium
Jacob Chengwei FENG (Fuller Theological Seminary)

Abstract: Compared to the five centuries of global colonial history, China’s colonial history lasted only one hundred and nine years (1840-1949). However, since 1949, coloniality, anti-colonialization, anti-imperialism, and decolonization have been deeply embedded in Chinese theology while lurking in ideology, philosophy, and politics. This paper argues that Chinese theology faces a grave epistemic crisis and needs to be transformed epistemologically by appealing to the seven spirits of God and shifting to decolonial thinking in the global decolonial discourse. This paper first analyzes China's (semi-)colonial/anti-colonial history in four stages with its various influences on Chinese theology. Then the paper adopts a three-layered “sandwich” approach to expose the profound epistemic crisis that is deeply submerged in Chinese theology. Finally, based on Witness Lee and Amos Yong’s pneumatology, the paper proposes a decolonial Chinese theology for the third millennium.

Keywords: Chinese theology, decolonial theology, colonialism


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Belief as Faith:Taking Christianity as an Example

Bi Congcong (School of philosophy, Sichuan Normal University)

Abstract: In daily language, faith has meanings such as sincerity, carefree, confidence, and piety; In religious language, faith refers to both trust in the divine, loyalty to religious organizations, and conviction in religious beliefs. Faith in Christianity has typical significance, referring to a strong, sustained, and reducible state of faith, as well as being associated with miracles and acts of love. In religious life, strong faith is expressed through speaking dialects, being gentle and moved, and trembling. As faith, Belief is integrated in the combination of beliefs and trust.

Keywords: Faith, Belief, Speaking Dialects, Touching, Trembling

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Implications of Matteo Ricci's Missionary Methods for Sinicization of Christianity

Yang Sitong (Peking University)

Abstract: Matteo Ricci had a significant impact on the cultural exchanges between China and the West during the Ming and Qing dynasties. His adaptive missionary methods drew the attention of scholars at home and abroad, and was an important part of Sinicization of Christianity. Matteo Ricci not only adhered to the adaptive missionary strategy and gained the support of the literati-official class by changing his Confucian costumes and presenting western things, but also studied and translated Confucian classics in depth, and wrote missionary books in Chinese. Through the collision of Christian thought and Confucianism, he promoted the mutual understanding between China and the West. His missionary experience revealed the importance of respecting and seriously learning to understand different cultures, shedding light on the Chinese Rites Controversy that had lasted for centuries and caused heated debates between East and West, and is still important for cultural exchanges today.

Keywords: Matteo Ricci, Adaptive missionary methods, Sinicization of Christianity, Chinese Rites Controversy

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Woman is Not Independent of Man. And Man is Not Independent of Woman: The Order of the Creation of Man and Woman in 1 Corinthians 11:2–16

LI Hao (Singapore Bible College, Singapore)

Abstract: Paul's epistle reference to the order of the creation in Genesis is often seen as a commonly accepted principle for establishing normative principles in relationships between genders. This paper analyzes the purpose and nature of the references to the order of creation in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. By employing a methodology that combines intertextuality and socio-cultural contextualization, this paper evaluates and interprets the passage within their writing contexts, sociological contexts, and the interpretive history of Second Temple Judaism. The study indicates that in response to the honor-shame culture prevalent among the Corinthian audience, 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 dialectically emphasizes both the "subordination of women to men" and the "mutual reciprocity and unity" of genders, encompassing both cultural adaptation and countercultural intentions. Considering the contextual flow and theological development of 1 Corinthians, the study demonstrates that Paul's main aim is to establish a relationship of mutual reciprocity and unity between genders, rather than establishing an absolute principle of female subordination to male based on the order of creation beyond time and space.

Keywords: The order of the creation, 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, Contextualization, Intertextuality, Intertestamental Period

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"Art and Rebirth": the Theme of Humanistic Criticism

SHI Chenggang (Sichuang University)

Abstract: Humanistic criticism, as a special case in the contemporary art criticism theory, emphasizes the transcendent humanistic spirit and uses the Christian thought. This paper reviews the creative process and text clues of the theory, summarizes its theme as "art and rebirth", and explains the connotation according to the Christian thought: The "reality" of art comes from the integration with the "ultimate reality", which is expressed as the reflection on the "existence pattern"; the content of spiritual art is mostly "Immanuel" concept, which can convey sacred news and show the secular content; "rebirth" represents "the real renewal of life". The article points out that humanistic criticism not only cleans out people's living area and the root cause of existence through artistic criticism, but also carries out modern criticism with Chinese characteristics based on Christian culture. It shows the ideological value in both the innovation of art criticism and the exploration of Christian thought.

Keywords: Humanistic criticism, Christian thought, Art and rebirth

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Isaac Newton’s Geometric Biblical Interpretation

LIU Zhiqiang (Sichuan University)

Abstract: The public usually focuses on Isaac Newton’s achievements in the field of science, but ignores his achievements in the field of religion. With the discovery of Newton’s manuscripts, his religious ideas began to be gradually revealed. This paper discusses Newton’s interpretation of the Book of Revelation and his geometric interpretation method of “rule - definition - proposition - proof – application”, trying to restore Newton’s pursuit of rational and geometric methods to understand nature and the Bible, and to return to true religion and Prisca Sapientia.
Keywords: Newton’s manuscript, Biblical interpretation, Geometric interpretation

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作者:克利斯提弗•莫尔斯(Christipher Morse)

原文:Chapter V, The Question of an Eschatological Ontology, in The Logic of Promise in Moltmann's Theology,Christopher Morse, Philadelphia Fortress Press, 1979.


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