
ChineseCS 《国学与西学》评论6,5782字数 2406阅读8分1秒阅读模式

卷首语From the Editor’s Desk*

黄保罗 :中国的少数民族与基督教                     

Paulos HUANG               


人学、神学与国学Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies

李守雷                       西双版纳地区基督教的地域适应与变迁

LI Shoulei                   The Regional Adaptation and Change of Christianity in                             Xishuangbanna



马明忠 张科            基督教在近代青海多民族多宗教生态格局中的传播

MA Mingzhong,                The Spreading of Christianity among the plural Ethnic and

ZHANG Ke                Religious Ecological Context in Qinghai during the Late Modern



实践神学与中西教会和社会Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society

王雨                                     乡村基督教的社会功能研究: 以梁山县三个村落的基督教为例

WANG Yu                 A Study on the Social Functions of Countryside Christianity:

A Case study on Three Villages in Liangshan County


张晓武                       阴山地域文化区基督教(新教)圣乐现代本色化创作进程

ZHANG Xiaowu                Localizing Producing Process of Protestant Christian Sacred Music                 in Yinshan Regional Cultural Area


中西经典与圣经Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible

高志英、沙丽娜                中缅北界傈僳族、怒族的“基督教化”与 基督教的本土化

GAO Zhiying             The Christianization of Nu and Lisu Nationality in

SHALlina          the northern part of border areas between China and Myanmar

and the Localization of Christianity


兴安                    蓝色的圣乐:呼和浩特蒙古族基督徒本色化圣歌探析

XING An          A study of Mongolian Protestants' indigenization of Hymn

in Hohhot


教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

宝贵贞                       遣使会与内蒙古三大教区的形成

BAO Guizhen     Congregation of the Mission with the Formation of Three

Missionary Centers in Mongolia (或Beyond the Great Wall塞外)

苏翠薇  余文良       云南基督教慈善事业与实践研究

SU Cuiwei      The Practice and Exploration of Christian Charity in Yunnan

YU Weliang               Province


比较宗教文化研究Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies

莫铮宜                        明末清初浙东士人朱宗元西学观研究--兼与黄宗羲思想比较

MO Zhengyi              A Study on ZHU Zongyuan’s opinion of Western studies:

A comparison with Huang Zongyi


鄂崇荣                         河湟流域天主教、基督教与民间信仰间相斥与包容

E Congrong                The Mutual Reaction between Christian Spreading and Folk

Beliefs in the Hehuang Valley



书评与通讯Reviews and Academic Reports

艾菊红  徐茂林       一个多元族群村庄中的天主教

AI Juhong       Catholicism in a Village with Multi Ethnic Groups

XU Maolin


Wright Doyle            Review on Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2015

戴德理         《博睿中国神学年鉴2015》评述


By BAN Gu,             Translation and Annotations of Han Shu: Chapter 30 “Yiwen zhi”:

Tr. by Agnes Chalier       Treatise on Record Sources

班固著、Agnes CHALIER译注 《漢書 藝文志》


投稿须知Notes for Contributors

注释体例及要求Footnote Format and Requirements

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: