



本刊将于2023年4月1日前征集“马丁 . 路德研究专辑”,主题论文十篇,附录三篇,英文文章优先,经过匿名评审合格后刊用。



本刊为核心刊物(ESCI, SCOPUS等国际核心期刊),已被芬兰国家图书馆、美国宗教与神学提要 (R&TA) 、托马森路透the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) ,ATLA Religion Database® (ATLA RDB®, http://www.atla.com),the Bibliography of Asian Studies, EBSCO 和 SCOPUS 数据库收录。







通过重新评估马丁·路德的贡献,本刊将从路德的“信仰”与神学维度讨论第三次启蒙运动。路德的“信仰 ”指向的是真正的自由(而不是放纵),并照亮人类的神圣性。路德的思想不仅将解放在世界中的沉沦,还将照亮人类的本质(即罪人/义人的统一体)。从路德思想而来的第三次启蒙运动反对 “人类中心主义”和对人性的极端评价,但不反对主体性、理性或人性的其他基本人性方面(正如路德也反对他那个时代对人性压迫极大的“神学中心主义”)。从本质上讲,第三次启蒙运动寻求对思想不成熟的克服,进而获得独立和自由。同时,它旨在帮助人们挣脱权威、传统和制度的枷锁。这是为了让人们能够参与到公共领域,正确地运用他们的理性。它还可以帮助人们规范自己的道路,不过度依赖主观或压制主观。通过路德的思想,我们可以对“人类中心主义”和 “上帝中心主义”有一个正确的理解,这将使我们能够准确地定义人类的主体性,包括其神圣性和罪恶的倾向。这样一来,我们就能重视理性的各个方面,同时拥抱理性的活动和局限性。










International Journal of Sino-WesternStudies,

Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

邮件:ijofsws@gmail.com, 电话:+ 358-40-836-0793




主 编:黄保罗 Paulos HUANG

副主编:肖清和 XIAO Qinghe (网络版)

副主编:苏德超 SU Dechao (微信版)

纸质国际标准期刊号 1799-8204

网络电子版国际期刊号 2242-2471


Editor-in-chief: Paulos HUANG

Vice-editor-in-chief: XIAO Qinghe

Vice-editor-in-chief: SU Dechao

ISSN for Print Version:1799-8204

ISSN for Online Version: 2242-2471

Two websites of this journal:




Call for Papers: A Special Volume on Martin Luther Studies

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers on Martin Luther Studies by April 1, 2023. Ten thematic papers and three appendices, preferably in English, will be published on International Journal of Sino-Western Studies after peer review.

About the journalHigh visibility. It is a core journal indexed within the National Library of Finland, the R&TA, the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), ATLA Religion Database® (ATLA RDB®, http://www.atla.com), the Bibliography of Asian Studies, EBSCO and SCOPUS databases.High Authority. In order to promote the interchange and contact between Nordic and Chinese scholars, the journal, biannual and bilingual (in Chinese and English),was established by scholars and experts from four Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. We are assisted by the Department of Religion from Faculty of World Cultures in University of Helsinki, the Center for World Religions and Ethics from Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies in Peking University, and the Center for Comparative Studies in Sino-Western Studies from School of Humanities in Jilin University. We also have the fortune to have many leading Chinese scholars among our academic advisors and invited reviewers.High importance. This journal uses the terms “Chinese National Studies” and “Western Studies” in the broadest sense, encompassing both Chinese and Western religious cultures and humanistic traditions, with the purpose of enriching the horizons and knowledge structures of Chinese and foreign scholars, so that both sides can better understand each other and develop together. We hope to break the narrow view of Chinese National Studies and provide a platform for building a truly grand one. At the same time we integrate Western Studies into contemporary Chinese National Studies with broad vision for its sound development so as to legitimize the survival and development of Western Studies in China. To this end, upon the combination of the characteristics of academic theology, five columns of this journal are built to provide a platform for the development of Chinese academic theology in terms of intellectual structure and disciplinary system construction. Academic theology is the primary department and discipline in traditional universities in Europe and America, and theology is also called the crown of academics. Without understanding theology, it is impossible to truly understand anthropology, and even more impossible to understand European and American culture and society in today’s increasingly globalized communication.

About the topicThis journal will comprehensively explore and reexamine the all-round contributions of Martin Luther’s thought in the history of Western thought, which aims to reflect on the limitations of contemporary Western intellectual history, dispel prejudice among existing viewpoints of Luther in sinology, and meet the challenges of subjectivity such as artificial intelligence. The journal will also attempt to break down the traditional positioning and narrow view of Martin Luther (i.e., that he was only a religious reformer) and will reassess the impact of his thought on history and our time.Byrevaluing Martin Luther’s contribution, the journal will also discuss the Third Enlightenment in terms of Luther’s “faith” and theological dimensions. Luther’s “faith” points to true freedom (rather than indulgence) and illuminates the sacredness of humanity. His thought not only liberates sinking in the world, but also illuminates the essence of humanity (i.e., the sinner/righteous unity). The Third Enlightenment, which comes from Luther’s thought, opposes “anthropocentrism” and extreme optimism on human nature, but not subjectivity, rationality, or other fundamental aspects of human nature (just as Luther also opposed the “theocentrism” that was so oppressive of human nature in his time). In essence, the Third Enlightenment seeks to overcome intellectual immaturity and thus gain independence and freedom. At the same time, it aims to help people break free from the shackles of authority, tradition, and institutions so as to enable people to participate in the public sphere and to use their rationality properly. It also helps people to regulate their own path and not to rely excessively on subjectivity or suppress it. Through Luther’s thought, we can understand properly “anthropocentrism” and “theocentrism”, which enables us to accurately define human subjectivity, including its sacredness and sinful tendencies. In this way, we can value all aspects of rationality, while embracing rational activities and limitations.On this basis, the need for a systematic translation of Luther’s original works arises. Luther wrote more than one hundred books, while the current Chinese translation of Luther’s original works in academic areas has not yet reached even one tenth of them. Only through a systematic and comprehensive translation of Luther’s original works can the resources and essence of Luther’s thought better serve “The Third Enlightenment” in academical fields in China and solve various dilemmas in humanistic research.

We set the following columns: ●Humanities, Theology and Chinese National Studies●Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society●Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible●Church History in the West and in China●Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies ●Reviews and Academic Reports (to ensure the latest information in the discipline and the personal observations of scholars)

The PDF version of this article can be downloaded from the journal’s homepage:


Submission Guidelines:Please send yourpaper to editorial boardInternational Journal of Sino-Western Studies,Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, FinlandEmail:ijofsws@gmail.com, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793Deadline for Paper Submission: April 1, 2023

(Assistant editors:Li Ruixiang, He Danchun)



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