- TBC Research seminar
- Research Methodology on Ming-Qing Catholic studies
- 明清天主教方法研究
- Teacher: Prof. Thierry Meynard, The Beijing Center & Sun Yat-sen University
- Students: Graduate students in religious studies, history and philosophy
- Location: 北京市朝阳区惠新东街10号经贸大学;地铁站: 芍药居 (13条及10条)或 惠新西街南口 (5条及10条)
- 宁远楼(靠近学校南门的红楼)第四层,TBC 北京中国学中心,432教室
- Objectives
- Ming-Qing Catholic studies present specificities like the use of printed and manuscript materials, both in Chinese or Western languages, and dealing with a vast array of issues (religion, philosophy, science and technique, politics, etc…). Through four case-studies, students will become more acquainted with the resources, tools and themes of the field. This seminar is free of charge and opened to graduate students in history, philosophy or comparative literature.
- May 15th, 9-12 pm: Philosophical and Wisdom writings of Alfonso Vagnone
- 耶稣会士高一志的哲学与智慧著作:《修身西学》、《童幼教育》、《达道纪言》
- June 12th, 9-12 pm: Translations of Confucian Classics from Ruggieri to Couplet
- 从罗明坚的儒家经典译本到柏应理《中国哲学家孔夫子》
- Because of the interactive nature of the seminar, students are expected to attend the two sessions. For registration, please send before May 11th a message to Thierry Meynard meynard@thebeijingcenter.org , describing briefly your affiliation and your field of research. The seminar will be conducted in Chinese language.
- During the afternoons of those two days, students may use the resources of TBC library, and Professor Meynard will be available to help students searching for bibliographical references or to guide them on their research.
- Thierry Meynard 梅谦立 教授
- Thierry Meynard s.j. is currently professor and PhD director at the philosophy department of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, where he teaches Western Philosophy and Latin Classics. He is the vice-director of the Archive for Introduction of Western Knowledge, at Sun Yat-Sen University. In 2012-2014, he was also the director of The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies, a study program established by the Jesuits in 1998, and he still supervises the research activity of this center. In 2003, he obtained his PhD in Philosophy from Peking University, presenting a thesis on Liang Shuming. From 2003 to 2006, he taught philosophy at Fordham University, New York. Since 2006, he is a member of the Macau Ricci Institute. He has authored twenty academic articles and a dozen of essays. He authored The Jesuit reading of Confucius (Boston: Brill, 2015), The Religious Philosophy of Liang Shuming (Boston: Brill, 2011), Confucius Sinarum Philosophus (Rome: IHSI, 2011), Following the Footsteps of the Jesuits in Beijing (St Louis: Jesuit Sources, 2006), and co-authored with Sher-shiueh Li, Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China (Bern: Peter Lang: 2014). He also edited Li Madou, Tianzhushiyi jinzhu (Shangwu yinshuguan, 2014), Matteo Ricci, Le sens réel de « Seigneur du Ciel » (Paris, Bibliothèque Chinoise, Belles Lettres, 2013), Teilhard and the Future of Humanity (New York: Fordham University Press, 2006). He gave talks in the US (Columbia University, Chicago University, Loyola University Chicago, University of San Francisco, Loyola Marymount University, Saint Louis University, Saint Joseph University), in UK (University of London), in France (College de France, CNRS, Centre Sèvres), in Germany (Georg-August Universität Goettingen), in India (Institute of Chinese Studies in New Delhi, Vidyajyoti College of Theology in Delhi, Loyola College in Chennai), in Philippines (Ateneo de Manila University), in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Chinese University), in Taiwan (Academia Sinica, Fujen University) and in mainland China (Peking University, People’s University, Fudan University, East Normal University, China Academy of Social Sciences).
- 梅谦立Thierry Meynard,法国人,中山大学哲学系教授,博士生导师,中山大学西学东渐文献馆副馆长。主要研究中西思想交流、西方古典哲学、当代新儒家。2003年获得北京大学中国哲学博士学位,论文《梁漱溟的宗教观》。2001到2003年,北京语言文化中心研究主任。2004到2006年,纽约市富达姆大学讲师。2006年,澳门利氏学社会员。2012-2014年,他担任了北京中国学中心(The Beijing Center for Chinese Studies)主任,至今继续负责本中心的研究。著有The Jesuit Reading of Confucius (Boston: Brill, 2015)、Confucius Sinarum Philosophus(Rome, 2010)、The Religious Philosophy of Liang Shuming(Boston: Brill, 2010)、《北京教堂及历史导览》(北京,2007),跟台湾中央研究院李奭学教授出版了Jesuit Chreia in Late Ming China(Bern: Peter Lang: 2014)。他编辑了利玛窦《天主实义今注》(北京:商务印书馆,2014年),Teilhard and the Future of Humanity(New York, 2006),《巴黎、北京、台北》(台北,2002),并且跟中山大学张贤勇副教授编辑《哲学家的雅典-基督徒的罗马》(北京:中国社会科学院,2012)。译有莱布尼茨的《中国近事》(郑州:大象出版社,2005)。