CALL for self-organized PANELS at RSA, 20-22 March 2025, BOSTON (USA)

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CALL for self-organized PANELS at RSA, 20-22 March 2025, BOSTON (USA)


The  CHINA CHRISTIANITY STUDIES GROUP (CCSG) 中國基督宗教研究學會 is an Associate Organization (AO) of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), and can submit up to four (4) sponsored sessions to the RSA Boston 2025 program.

If readers of this list are interested in creating their own panels on Sino-Western Relations covering the period from 1250 to the 1700s, please first contact Prof. Eugenio Menegon at Boston University ( to discuss your panel ideas and whom you wish to include, to submit a formal proposal to him, and to get CCSG approval for expedited RSA acceptance.

The 2025 RSA Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) meeting on Th.-Sat. March 20–22, 2025 at the the Sheraton Boston (SAA), Marriott Copley Place (RSA), and Westin Copley Place (RSA) in  Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The conference submission portal will open on June 30, 2024, and the deadline for final submissions will be August 15, 2024.

On the same days (20-22 March, 2025), the Centennial Meeting of the Medieval Society of America will also be held at Harvard University’s campus.

The Boston area is today the most active North American hub for the study of East Asian – Western cultural relations and the history of Christianity in East Asia and China, thanks to the presence of the Ricci Institute and its library at Boston College, the Center for Global Christianity and Mission and the Theology Library at Boston University, the Harvard-Yenching Institute and its Library, and the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Hamilton, Mass.).  Thus, a visit to Boston to attend and present at RSA can be combined with research in the region’s libraries and meetings with scholars coming to Boston for those annual conferences;  moreover, Yale Divinity Library and other resources in the Northeast USA are not far from Boston.

Looking forward to your inquiries!   Best, Eugenio Menegon, CCSG RSA Representative

PS: get in touch with Prof. Menegon first; but then you can also post on the RSA website your panel’s call for papers if you are looking for panelists more broadly:

View RSA Boston 2025 CfP Index  &  Submit a Call for Papers (deadline: 30 June 2024) The CfPs will be posted on the index page by 18 May 2024. Prof. Menegon will correspond with the listed organizers.



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