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比较经学 Journal of Comparative Scripture

二〇一三年 第一辑 2013 Number 1

目录 Contents


多面相的比较经学 i

Inaugural Editorial: Multi-Faceted Comparative Scripture



Theme: Comparative Scripture and Late-Ming China


专题引介 3

Introduction to the Main Theme

游斌YOU Bin


和天、和人与和己:晚明天主教儒士李九功的比较经学实践 11

To Be Harmonious with Heaven, Others, and Self: A Case Study of Late-Ming Catholic Literati, LI Jiugong, and His Method of Comparative Scripture

游斌YOU Bin


“求同”与“辨异”:明清第三代基督教徒张星曜的思想与信仰初探 39

Integration and Division: On the Third Generation of Catholic ZHANG Xingyao’s Thought and Faith during Late Ming and Early Qing

肖清和XIAO Qinghe


论明末清初的经史学 85

On Scriptural Historiography of Late-Ming and Early-Qing Dynasties

孙宝山SUN Baoshan


慎独辨:以刘宗周的慎独说及其对朱熹、王阳明的批评为例 107

On the Confucian Idea of Vigilance in Solitude (Shen Du): A Study of LIU Zongzhou’s Philosophy and His Criticism of ZHU Xi and WANG Yangming

甘祥满GAN Xiangman


论 文



Searching for the Origins of the Biblical God 139


马克·史密斯 Mark S. Smith


The Absolute Value of the Human Person in Judeo-Christian Values and Legal Sources 167


理查德·赫斯 Richard S. Hess


书 评



潘彼得:《跨宗教地信仰:亚洲视角论宗教对话》 207

Phan, Peter C. Being Religious Interreligiously: Asian Perspectives on Interfaith Dialogue

高喆GAO Zhe


赖品超:《大乘基督教神学——汉语神学的思想实验》 217

LAI Pan Chiu. Mahayana Christian Theology: Thought Experiments of Sino-Christian Theology

常宏CHANG Hong



Academic News


在经典互读中的文明对话与宗教学研究:与英国剑桥大学大卫.福特教授的访谈 231

Cross Cultural Dialogue and Religious Study in Scriptural Reasoning:An Interview with David Ford, Cambridge University

大卫.福特David Ford 游斌 YOU Bin




宗旨与稿约Notes for Contributors 247


引文、注释格式及范例Footnote Format 253




《西学东渐研究》(2023) 刊物撷英


《西学东渐研究》第12辑,北京:商务印书馆,2023年。   目录   《康熙年间两广总督石琳与法国船“安菲特利特”号的广州之行》 梅谦立 1-33 《法国商船“安菲特利特”号航行...


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