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《中国古代砖刻铭文集(上下) 》电子书下载
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《世纪之风——中国当代文化批判与人文建构》,当代知名哲学家,思想家邓晓芒教授的批判性思考与经历自述 目录 自序 [当代中国文化问题] 中国当代的第三次启蒙 中国道德的底线 中国当代文学的土壤分析 做哲...
Online missions annual reports and periodicals
The Yale Divinity Library’s NEH-funded digitization project is now substantially complete. More than...
Catalogue des manuscrits et xylographes orientaux de la Bibliothèque impériale publique de St. Pétersbourg (1852) (download pdf )
参考 Adrian Dudink. “The Rediscovery of a Seventeenth-century Collection of Chinese Christian Texts: T...
澳门大学图书馆古籍影像:中国天主教部分,可在线浏览 Rare books of Catholicism in China at University of Macau Library http:/...
Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database)
Open access to a new database: Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database): http://www.arts.kule...
Jesuitica: on-line database of the historic jesuitica collection
Jesuitica: Growing on-line database of the historic jesuitica collection (Jesuit authors, history, s...