
ChineseCS 会议动态评论446字数 719阅读2分23秒阅读模式


作者: 李世光 | 来源:基督时报 2022年11月10日 09:23



在内容方面,按照主题划分为“倪氏祖孙三代与教会学校教育” “福州西方差会教育对倪玉成家族及倪柝声教会观的影响” “倪柝声与中国基督教的‘实业自养’” “战争、宣教与末世——全球在地语境中的倪柝声末世论” “筚路蓝缕循真道——倪柝声生命和神学历程探索” “在非基运动与基督教本色化两个维度下看倪柝声和地方教会” “倪柝声与当代华人教会的三元人论之争” “倪柝声赞美诗的文学特质与思想”  “倪柝声灵修思想初探” “倪柝声思想的特点与贡献” “以巴特视角看倪柝声圣经观的价值”等不同的主题。




The "Symposium Series of Passing on the Torch of Learning- Watchman Nee Memorial Conference" was sponsored by the Journal of Research for Christianity in China online.

This academic seminar was also co-organized by the Center for the Study of Christianity and China in Los Angeles, USA, and the Institute of Christianity and Chinese Culture at GETS Theological Seminary (Global Enrichment Theological Seminary) on November 5.

The conference included 11 topics, the first four of which were "Christian School Education and Three Generations of the Nee Family", "Influence of Education of Western Missions (the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, American Methodist Episcopal Mission, and Anglican Church Missionary Society) on Ni Yucheng's family and Watchman Nee's Church View", "Watchman Nee and Financial Self-Support of Chinese Christianity", and "War, Mission and the End Times: Watchman Nee's Eschatology in the Global Local Context".

The left seven were "An Exploration of Watchman Nee's Life and Theological History", "See Watchman Nee and the Local Church From Two Perspectives of Anti-Christian Movement and Localization of Christianity", "The Debate Between Contemporary Chinese Church and Nee’s Theory of ‘Spirit, Soul, and Body’", "The Literary Characteristics and Thoughts of Nee's Hymns", "A Preliminary Study of Nee's Spiritual Thoughts", "The Characteristics and Contributions of Nee's Thoughts", "The Value of Nee's Views on the Bible from the Perspective of Karl Barth".

It was attended by more than 30 scholars in the field of religious studies.

Born in Fuzhou, Fujian, Nee was the first Chinese Christian to have a significant influence on Western Christians, and the initiator of the "Local Church" movement and calling on Chinese Protestant congregations to submit to the socialist ideology. He emphasized a deep spiritual life for early Chinese Christians.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

基督宗教研究论坛(2022)成功举办 会议动态


原题:专家学者热议基督宗教中国化的探索与实践 作者:刘晶戈 近日,基督宗教研究论坛(2022)暨“基督宗教研究:中国立场与世界视野”学术研讨会在线上召开。本次论坛由中国社会科学院基督教研究中心主办,中...


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