This edited volume starts from the perspectives of Beijing in how it sees that religion should serve...
Uneasy Encounters: Christian Churches in Greater China
The book examines the dynamic processes of the various social, political, and cultural negotiations ...
Angelo Zottoli, a Jesuit Missionary in China (1848 to 1902): His Life and Ideas
This book offers a study of the cosmogonic works by Fr. Angelo Zottoli S.J., a Jesuit missionary who...
The Luminous Way to the East: Texts and History of the First Encounter of Christianity with China
The Luminous Way to the East offers a comprehensive survey of the historical, literary, epigraphic, ...
Ji Li, Missions Étrangères de Paris (MEP) and China from the Seventeenth Century to the Present (2021)
The first scholarly work on the subject by leading scholars in the field, Missions Étrangères de Par...
内容简介 陆征祥(1871-1949)是清末民初中国国势最弱、国际地位最低阶段,最具代表性的外交家,身居世界、东亚、中国都在转变的乱世,承担中国外交的重担,曾任国务总理、国务卿,8次出任...
馬相伯集 朱維錚 主編 復旦大學出版社,2023年5月 謹以本書重裝紀念馬相伯先生創辦復旦大學一百十八周年! 內容提要 近代中國歷史上,馬相伯是在教育、宗教、政治等領域有卓越貢獻和重要影響的人物。馬...