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Noël Golvers ,


“The correspondence of Antoine Thomas, SJ (1644-1709) as a source for the history of science” ,


in: Zirankexueshiyanjiu自然科学史研究 (Studies in the history of natural sciences), vol. 33, no. 2 (2014), pp. 131-143.

Abstract : Antoine Thomas – successor of Ferdinand Verbiest in the Peking Astronomical Bureau – left behind an extensive unpublished correspondence, also interesting for the history of sciences. Among the topics: his mathematical curriculum in Europe (Douai-Coimbra) ; the progress of his textbook Synopsis Mathematica ; his European reference books ; his role in creating – in Peking – more systematic contacts with Paris academicians ; the progress of his Chinese work on algebra ; his composition of other texts of a didactical import. His main target public was the Kangxi Emperor and the officials of the Astronomical Bureau. He was consulted in matters meterologic, defending a pure natural explanation against Chinese superstitions. His competences in geodetics were also applied when measuring an earth’s degree. Some talents in the fabrication and manipulation of (new) mathematical instruments are manifest with regard, among others, to a pyxisastronomica (astronomical compass). From this, he appears as a genuine mathematical talent, with sound didactical principles, who was very instrumental in the introduction of Western science in China.

摘要 (p. 144) : 安多 - 南怀仁钦天监职务的继任者 - 留下了大量未发表的书信。 本文从科学史的视角探讨这批通信资料,涉及以下问题:安多在欧洲 (杜埃, 科因布拉) 参与的数学课程 (教科书)《数学纲要》 (Synopsis Mathematica, Douai, 1685) 的编纂;参考过哪些西文著作;安多在北京与巴黎的院士建立起较为系统的学术联系;编写中文代数著作的经过;其他教学资料的编纂。安多的职务,主要面向康熙皇帝和钦天监官员。回答咨询时, 他坚持采用“自然”现象解释气象问题,反对中国的“迷信”说法。 大地测量知识也在测量经度单位长度的活动中派上用场(擅长制造, 操作新型科学仪器#从其“天文罗盘”可见一斑。安多数学才华甚高#深谙教学原理,在向中国介绍西方科学方面扮演了重要角色。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
