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Directory of the Jesuits in China form 1842-1955

Taipei Ricci Institute, 2018.


Directory of the Jesuit in China from 1842 to 1955

by Olivier LARDINOIS SJ ‧ Fernando MATEOS SJ (✝) ‧ Edmund RYDEN SJ


Researchers in the history of Chinese Christianity during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are familiar with the directory of the Jesuits in China from 1552 to 1800 compiled by Fr. Joseph Dehergne, SJ. The book was published in French in 1973 in the prestigious Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Jesu. However, until now no similar directory exists for the second great period of the mission of the Jesuits in China that can easily be situated between years 1842 and 1955: 1842 when the three first Jesuit missionaries arrived in China after the restoration of the Society of Jesus, and 1955 when foreign missionaries had already been expelled from mainland China by the communist government, and most of the outstanding native Jesuits were imprisoned.


The publication of the present directory of the Jesuits in China between 1845 and 1955, aims to remedy this omission. It is the result of collaboration between three Jesuits from the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus: Fernando Mateos (✝), Edmund Ryden and Olivier Lardinois. Beside the biographical notices of 1,570 Jesuits who worked in China between 1842 and 1955, this directory includes various annexes so that it can be more easily consulted and from different points of entry: an index of names in the forms of transliteration each used, another index according to international Pinyin and Chinese characters, Jesuit missions statistics, a chronology of the history of the mission and various mission areas, status in Church leadership (Bishops, Prefects Apostolic) and in academic and scientific work, a list of official and non-official Jesuit martyrs, a few maps and photos, and a selective bibliography.

More: http://store.erenlai.com/product.php?id_product=3248


由榮振華神父(Joseph Dehergne, SJ)撰寫、並在1973年於著名的Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Jesu所出版的《明清間在華耶穌會士列傳》,內容收錄了1552年至1800年止的會士名錄及簡歷,對於研究16~18世紀中國天主教歷史的學者來說,是非常熟悉的一本書。然而在1842年至1955年,這個耶穌會在中國的另一段重要時期,卻沒有相關的名錄存在。重新恢復的耶穌會,所派遣的第一批三位會士於1842年重返中國土地;


《耶穌會士在華名錄 1842~1955》的出版,旨在補充1842至1955年這段耶穌會在中國期間的記錄,本書由三位耶穌會中華省會士:沈起元神父(✝)、雷敦龢神父及丁立偉神父共同撰寫整理。除了1570位會士檔案外,也包含各式索引及相關資料,更方便研究者查閱使用:耶穌會在中國各教區的統計要1842年至1980年在華傳教的大事記、殉道者名單、擔任主教的耶穌會士名單,以及耶穌會士在各領域的研究等,另外也收錄了一些地圖與照片、依筆畫所排序的中文譯名索引、293位中國籍會士的姓名拼名對照索引及參考書目等。


ISBN  978-957-29848-5-7  (Hard Cover.352P)



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