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Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History University of San Francisco The USF Ricci Institute is a premier global resource for the study of Chinese-Western cultural exchange with a core focus on the social and cultural history of Christianity in China. Besides its more than 80,000 volumes of books in Chinese and Western languages, its library also includes a digital copies of: (1) the Japonica-Sinica Manuscript Collection from the Roman Archives of the Society of Jesus (ARSI); (2) the Francis A. Rouleau Microfilm / Digital Archival Collections’ (3) the Canton Diocese Archival Collection; (4) the Passionist China Collection; and (5) other archival materials. 
The Ricci Institute invites applications for Research Fellowship in-residence for the spring or summer 2016. 
This fellowship is open to both doctoral students who have completed all course work and junior scholars/faculty members who have completed their doctoral degrees in the past three years. We invite research proposals primarily based on the archival collections at the Ricci Institute in preparation either for the candidate’s dissertation or in order to initiate a new research project. Topics of enquiry may include Chinese-Western cultural history, local society and politics, history of education and other charitable enterprises, history of Christianity in China, history of diplomacy, art and art history, science and history of science, comparative studies of Christianity and cultures in China, Japan, and Korea, etc. 
This appointment is for a period of two to three months with a monthly stipend up to $4,000/month. Candidates are highly encouraged to apply for any necessary supplemental funding for their travel and stay from their home institutions. 
Applicants who are non-U.S. citizens or permanent residents will need to contact the Ricci Institute well in advance for information regarding English proficiency, visa and health insurance requirements. 
While at USF, besides conducting his/her own research, the Fellow is expected to present and participate in research workshops at the Ricci Institute and interact with USF faculty and students as well as scholars and researchers from the San Francisco Bay Area about his/her research. 
Submit by December 10, 2015, the following: (1) Curriculum Vitae; (2) a 5-10 page double-spaced statement of progress made toward the Ph.D. degree OR a proposal for new research at the USF Ricci Institute. This document should include a timeline, proposed activities, the contribution the scholar hopes to make in the relevant field(s), and how the research is related to the mission of the USF Ricci Institute; (3) a proposed budget and other funding sources, if any; (4) two up-to-date letters of recommendation (one letter should come from the supervisor of the applicant’s dissertation if the applicant is a current doctoral student). Applicants will be informed of the result by February 2016. 
Submit the application cover letter with a most recent C.V., research proposal, and budget electronically by email to: lee@usfca.edu with the Subject Line: “2015-2016 Fellowship Application”. Letters of recommendation must be submitted directly from the recommenders either electronically to the above email address or by regular mail to: 
Research Fellowship Review Committee 
The Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History 
University of San Francisco, LM 280 
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080 
For more information about the USF Ricci Institute’s resources, please visit: http://usf.usfca.edu/ricci//collection/index.htm 
For more information about previous activities of the Ricci Institute’ Research Fellows, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/usfricci



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