Chinese Christian Literature Council collection online

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News from MISSIONS.

The Yale Divinity Library’s Latourette Initiative funds the digitization of archives and publications held throughout the world.  See for a description of earlier microfilm projects and links to digital projects.


As time allows and permission is granted, we will be making PDF versions of materials from the Documentation of Chinese Christianity project available on a publicly-accessible server.  Eventually these materials will be entered into Yale’s more formal digital collections delivery system but until that time we will offer informal access. The Documentation of Chinese Christianity program was established by the Yale Divinity Library in 2012 as a collaborative effort of Yale and the Hong Kong Baptist University Library to preserve and make accessible books, periodicals, reports, and archival materials that document Chinese Christianity.


Recently made available online:

The Chinese Christian Literature Council (CCLC) collection consists of more than 1300 Christian tracts and books (including translations from Western languages) published by the Christian Literature Society for China (CLSC, 廣學會) and the Council on Christian Literature for Overseas Chinese (CCLOC, 基督教輔僑出版社) between 1906 and 1993.

For a list of the 692 titles published by the Christian Literature Society for China between 1906 and 1962, click here.  Use the “ID” number in the spreadsheet to identify titles of interest, then look for the corresponding PDF file in this directory:

For a list of the 616 titles published by the Council on Christian Literature for Overseas Chinese between 1947 and 1993, click here. Use the “ID” number in the spreadsheet to identify titles of interest, then look for the corresponding PDF file in this directory:




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