香港中文大學 宗教研究哲學博士
上海大學 歷史學碩士
上海大學 歷史學學士
Anglicanism in Hong Kong and Macau: A History of Photographs and Images (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2019)(合著)
A Short Biography of Bishop John Shaw Burdon (Hong Kong: Religious Education Resource Center, 2018).
T. C. Chao, Bliss Wiant and the Contextualization of Hymns in Twentieth Century China (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015).
The Social Contributions of Chinese Anglican Women Intellectuals: The Life and Work of Kuo Siu-May, Wai Ching Wong and Patricia Chiu (eds.), Christian Women in Chinese Society—The Anglican Story (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2018), 201-222.
Sinicising Christian Music at Shanghai Community Church. Zheng Yangwen (ed.), Sinicizing Christianity (Brill, 2017), 290-318.
Contextualization and the Chinese Anglican Parish: A Case Study of St. Mary’s Church, Hong Kong (1912-41)(Co-authored). Philip L. Wickeri (ed.), Christian Encounters with Chinese Culture: Essays on Anglican and Episcopal History in China, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2015, 135-151.
Überlegungen zur Kontextualisierung von Kirchenmusik in China, Es freuet sich die Engelschar: Christliche chinesische Kunst und Musik der Gegenwart, April, 2014, 5-8.
<音樂與傳教:一種後殖民文化批評再詮釋——以<教務雜誌>(The Chinese Recorder)為中心>,《第四屆“基督教與中國社會”國際年青學者學術研討會論文集》(香港:香港中文大學出版社), 頁309-340。
“Chinese Customs and Rituals”(中國風俗與禮儀), 香港理工大學碩士課程
“Encounters between China and the West”(中西文化交往與影響), 香港理工大學碩士課程
“History of Christianity in China”(在華基督教史), 澳洲查理斯特大學碩士課程
“Religious Life in Chinese Culture”,澳洲查理斯特大學本科課程
英國牛津大學基督學院(Christ College, Oxford University),2015.
英國牛津庫德斯登立本學院(Ripon College, Cuddesdon, England),2015.
奧地利音樂藝術表演大學(University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria),OeAD 獎學金訪問學者,2014.
亞洲高等教育聯合董事會(United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia)IASACT Scholar, 2009.
澳洲查理斯特大學研究技巧發展項目資助Research Skill Development Funding Scheme, Charles Sturt University, Australia,2019
奧地利维也纳音樂藝術表演大學(University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria)OeAD Visiting Scholar研究項目:Hymns for the People and Contextualized Music for Chinese Hymns in 1930s, 2013.
The Protestant Quest for Contextualized Hymnology in Twentieth Century China: A Case Study of the Collaboration between T. C. Chao and Bliss Wiant in the Contextualization of Chinese Hymns, 2010-2014