
卷首语From the Editor’s Desk
黄保罗 《国学与西学:国际学刊》创刊词
02. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 7 -10, Juanshouy
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黄保罗 大国学视野中汉语学术对话神学的构建
黄保罗 大国学视野中汉语学术对话神学的构建
04. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 13-26 Huang 1.pd
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Paulos HUANG, A Construction of Sino-Christian Academic Dialogical Theology in the Light of Great guoxue
Paulos HUANG, A Construction of Sino-Christian Academic Dialogical Theology in the Light of Great guoxue
04. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 13-26 Huang 14.p
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YANG Xusheng The Transcendental Dimension of the Age of Disenchantment: The Paradox of Religion in the Contemporary Context of China
YANG Xusheng The Transcendental Dimension of the Age of Disenchantment: The Paradox of Religion in the Contemporary Context of China
05. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 27-38 YANG 1.pdf
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杨煦生 失魅时代的超越之维:当代语境中的中国宗教难题
杨煦生 失魅时代的超越之维:当代语境中的中国宗教难题
05. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 27-38 YANG 12.pd
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GAO Shining, Knowing and Being Known: Chinese Society and Christianity
GAO Shining, Knowing and Being Known: Chinese Society and Christianity
07. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 41-52 GAO 1.pdf
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高师宁 认识与被认识:中国社会与基督教
高师宁 认识与被认识:中国社会与基督教
07. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 41-52 GAO 12.pdf
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孙尚扬、李丁 国学热、意义的匮乏与大学生对宗教的兴趣取向
孙尚扬、李丁 国学热、意义的匮乏与大学生对宗教的兴趣取向
08. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 53-68 SUN and LI
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SUN Shangyang and LI Ding, Chinese Traditional Culture Study Fever, Scarcity of Meaning and the Trend of University Students’ Attitude toward Religions
SUN Shangyang and LI Ding, Chinese Traditional Culture Study Fever, Scarcity of Meaning and the Trend of University Students’ Attitude toward Religions
08. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 53-68 SUN and LI
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Milton MAN, “Fear of the Lord” as the Beginning of Wisdom: An Asian Reading of the Book of Proverbs
Milton MAN, “Fear of the Lord” as the Beginning of Wisdom: An Asian Reading of the Book of Proverbs
10. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 71-80 WAN 1.pdf
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温伟耀 敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端:《箴言》的亚洲式解读
温伟耀 敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端:《箴言》的亚洲式解读
10. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 71-80 WAN 10.pdf
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游斌 论比较经学作为汉语基督教经学的展开途径
游斌 论比较经学作为汉语基督教经学的展开途径
11. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 81-92 YOU 1.pdf
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YOU Bin, Comparative Scriptural Studies
YOU Bin, Comparative Scriptural Studies
11. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 81-92 YOU 12.pdf
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王建平 喀什伊斯兰教及其与南疆维吾尔穆斯林社会的关系
王建平 喀什伊斯兰教及其与南疆维吾尔穆斯林社会的关系
13. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 95-112 WANG Jian
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WANG Jianping, Islam of Kashgar as Observed by the Missionaries from the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden and their Contacts with the Uyghur Muslim Society of South Xinjiang
WANG Jianping, Islam of Kashgar as Observed by the Missionaries from the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden and their Contacts with the Uyghur Muslim Society of South Xinjiang
13. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 95-112 WANG Jian
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肖清和 明清天主教徒宗教生活与组织形式初探
肖清和 明清天主教徒宗教生活与组织形式初探
14. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 113-134 XIAO 1.p
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XIAO Qinghe, A Preliminary Exploration on the Religious Life and Organization of the Ming and Qing Catholic Christians
XIAO Qinghe, A Preliminary Exploration on the Religious Life and Organization of the Ming and Qing Catholic Christians
14. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 113-134 XIAO 22.
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CHOONG Chee Pang, Pax Romana and Pax Sinica: A Tale of Two Empires
CHOONG Chee Pang, Pax Romana and Pax Sinica: A Tale of Two Empires
16. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 137-164 CHOONG 1
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钟志邦 罗马与中国的和平:两个帝国的故事
钟志邦 罗马与中国的和平:两个帝国的故事
16. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 137-164 CHOONG 2
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陈坚 救苦救难:观音与福音----兼谈基督教中国化
陈坚 救苦救难:观音与福音----兼谈基督教中国化
17. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 165-184 CHEN Jia
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CHEN Jian, Relieving People from Suffering and Misery: Guanyin, Gospel, and the Chinese Contextualization of Christianity
CHEN Jian, Relieving People from Suffering and Misery: Guanyin, Gospel, and the Chinese Contextualization of Christianity
17. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 165-184 CHEN Jia
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江怡 大国学框架中的汉语学术对话神学
江怡 大国学框架中的汉语学术对话神学
19. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 187-192 Jiang Yi
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JIANG Yi, Sino-Christian Academic Dialogical Theology in the Framework of the Great Guoxue
JIANG Yi, Sino-Christian Academic Dialogical Theology in the Framework of the Great Guoxue
19. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 187-192 Jiang Yi
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陈声柏、田飞 第三届“宗教对话与和谐社会”学术研讨会综述
陈声柏、田飞 第三届“宗教对话与和谐社会”学术研讨会综述
20. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 193-200 Chen and
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CHEN Shengbai and TIAN Fei, The Third Academic Conference on Religious Dialogue and Harmonious Society
CHEN Shengbai and TIAN Fei, The Third Academic Conference on Religious Dialogue and Harmonious Society
20. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 193-200 Chen and
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LIANG Yulong, Report:“Religion, Faith, State, and Society· Conference
LIANG Yulong, Report:“Religion, Faith, State, and Society· Conference
21. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 201-208 LIANG 1.
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梁玉龙 宗教、信仰、国家与社会之北欧会议简讯
梁玉龙 宗教、信仰、国家与社会之北欧会议简讯
21. IJS1 Dec 2011 Pages 201-208 LIANG 8.
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
