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Call for Application  The 9th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on "Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture" (2018)【第九屆「基督教與中國社會文化」國際年青學者研討會(2018)】現正接受



「基督教與中國社會文化──國際年青學者研討會」為栽培從事研究基督教與中國社會及中國宗教文化的研究生和年青學者, 從2002年起每兩年舉辦一次以促進年青學者間之研討和意見交流。 今年2018年第九屆研討會由香港中文大學基督教研究中心主辦, 將繼續推動年青學者「基督教與中國社會研究」的學術發展。


研討會日期:2018年12月5 ─ 9日(星期三至日)




1. 全球認可大學、神學院研究式課程的研究生(包括哲學碩士及哲學博士班)及年青哲學碩士、哲學博士、博士後及教齡不超過三年並具有博士學位的年輕教師;

2. 申請在研討會上報告的中文或英文論文必須與「基督教與中國社會研究」這主題相關;

3. 申請的中文或英文論文必須為原著且從未以任何形式出版。



1. 如欲申請,請填妥網上申請表

2. 網上申請時,請一併提交

i. 個人簡歷[CV];

ii. 論文摘要(約500字)

iii. 論文全文(限10,000字以內);


3. 截止報名日期:2018年7月31日;

4. 申請結果將於2018年9月15日前公佈。獲邀來港參加會議並報告論文者,必須參加全部學術活動,方可獲主辦單位津貼部份赴港旅費及在港期間之食宿費用。


詳情本中心網頁 的申請指引及表格。








The 9th International Young Scholars’ Symposium on "Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture" (2018)   [Open for application]


The International Young Scholars’ Symposium has been organized since the year of 2002 to provide a platform for young scholars from different parts of the world to share and discuss their research focus on Christianity and Chinese Society. The Ninth Symposium will be held in December 2018 by the Centre for Christian Studies to continue its mission to promote and enhance scholarly research in related field.


Date: December 5-9, 2018, Wednesday to Sunday

Venue: Chung Chi College, CUHK




1.       Students of Research Postgraduate Programme (including MPhil and PhD students), young MPhil, PhD, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty members with PhD degree and less than three years of teaching experience from any accredited tertiary institutions and seminaries worldwide;

2.       Paper proposed should under the theme of “Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture”.

3.       Paper proposed must be original and unpublished work written in either Chinese or English language.



1.       Please visit HERE for online application;

2.       Applicants should submit the following items:

i. a brief Curriculum Vitae

ii. abstract (in about 500 words)

iii. full paper (in no more than 10,000 words)

3.       Deadline for application: July 31, 2018;

4.       Application results will be announced by September 15, 2018. On condition that participants would attend all scheduled academic activities throughout the symposium, partial travel subsidy and full accommodation during the symposium will be provided for successful non-local applicants.



Please refer to the above application instructions and application form or visit the below website for more information. For further enquiries, please email to


Centre for Christian Studies,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Tel:(852)3943-1034 /3943-8155

Web Site:

  • 會議通知


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