Journal of Research for Christianity in China, No. 19, 2022



编者的话(谢伊霖) 1
From the Editor(XIE Yilin) 1


一般论文 7
Articles 7


《以斯帖记》与普林节(李思琪) 8
Esther and Purim(LEE Lydia) 30


《马可福音》神圣逻辑中的上帝论(查常平) 31
The Concept of God in the Divine-logic of Mark’s Gospel(ZHA Changping) 44


东方使徒文献与景门尚医传统(朱东华) 45
On the Convention of Medical Commitment in the Perspective of the Eastern Syrian Apostolic Documents(ZHU Donghua) 64


图像、权力与身份:从视觉修辞角度重读《路加福音》二十章20–26节(经敏华) 65
Image, Power and Identity:A Rereading of Luke 20:20–26 from a Visual Rhetoric Perspective(JING Minhua) 79


蒙头祷告讲道还是闭口不言?(王学晟) 80
Praying and prophesying with coverings or Remaining Silent: A Probe into the Two Contradictory Periopae in 1 Corinthians(Nathanael Xuesheng WANG) 111


文化人类学视阈下保罗书信对早期基督教会的建构(王梓) 112
On the Construction of Early Christian Church in Pauline Letters: From A Cultural Anthropological Perspective(WANG Zi) 129


在苦难中历练:《约伯记》中约伯受难的分析(徐俊) 130
A Spiritual Exercises in the Disaster: An Analysis on Job’s Suffering(XU Jun) 155


An Ancient Near Eastern Pun and Its Poetic Function: Exegesis of Job 3:1-12(Erika Qian LIANG) 156


廉建中的《圣经》书写与本色化特征(刘丽霞) 167
On the Biblical and indigenous Characteristics of Lian Jianzhong’s Literary Writings(LIU Lixia) 184


救恩论与基督教中国化(唐洪林) 185
Soteriology and the Sinicization of Christianity(Paul Honglin TANG) 208


圣经诠释视域下的希腊正教生态神学简介(李琳) 209
Biblical Interpretation in Greek Orthodox Eco-theology(LI Lin) 230


耶稣比喻的同构性(胡蓉) 231
The Isomorphism in the parables of Jesus(HU Rong) 243


书评 244

Book Reviews 244


就地取材、以繁驭简:插画圣书的别致情怀——评《图像传声:明清天主教圣经插图版书》(邱慧) 245
知人论世,向死论生——《人过留痕》书评(杨林) 248
以人文砥砺艺术,因艺术敞现人生——评查常平著《当代艺术的人文批评》(蒙可晴) 251
社科评鉴学视域下的耶稣运动研究——《从基督到基督教:耶稣运动的发生、发展和转型》述评(谢伊霖) 254


编辑部启事 256
Announcements from the Editors 256


中国基督教研究优秀论文奖 257
中国基督教研究优秀学生奖学金 258
《中国基督教研究》稿约 259
《中国基督教研究》注释体例 260